Forty Keys of Luminous Ta'wil - Part 9

Part 9

Tags: Bounties, Cool fire

By the Name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful.

Wise people are sure that the way al-Hayyu'l-Qayyum addresses jinn and humankind in the surah of Rahman about their common bounties, that in reality they together are one great community. All the bounties of the Generous Lord are mentioned in surah-yi Rahman and it is obvious these are the common bounties for jinn and humankind.

Among these bounties one is the cool fire. The great miracle of the cool fire, which took place during the days of Yarqand was, alhamdu li'llah, the substance of subtle body from which the Lord of resurrection creates jinn = subtle bodies, houris and paris (55:14-15).

Wednesday, 22-02-2006

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