Forty Keys of Luminous Ta'wil - Part 10

Part 10

Tags: Cool fire, Subtle bodies

By the Name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful.

It is said in verse (21:69): "We said; O fire, be cool and peace for Abraham."

Luminous ta'wil: The Lord of kaf and nun made Nimrod's pyre cool fire for Abraham (a.s.) and the substance of subtle bodies, from which in turn are made the paradise of eternal peace. The great miracle of the cool fire, which took place during the days of Yarqand contained the same luminous ta'wil.

It has been the Divine sunnat that in the first stage He transforms the enmity towards His friends into fire, then makes it cool, then makes from it the peace of paradise, namely the subtle bodies.

Praise belongs to Allah, for His bounty and munificence!

Wednesday, 22-02-2006

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