Forty Keys of Luminous Ta'wil - Part 38

Part 38

Tags: Ladies of the Qur'an, Surat-i Rahman

By the Name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful.

The ladies of the Qur'an = the ladies of Khanah-yi Hikmat = the ladies of paradise are the surat-i Rahman and the sacred manifestations of Qayyum's light and the living exegesis of the hadith: "Indeed Allah is beautiful [and] likes beauty." Thus, according to verse (7:32) these manifestations are God's adornment. Thus, the supreme gift of the Sacred Sanctuary is the surat-i Rahman, which is both unique in beauty and is everlasting.

One of the special names of God is "al-Musawwir" (59:24), i.e., Fashioner and His fashioning is miraculous and theophanic, because He can place all the manifestations of human beings in one human being.

Wednesday, 01-03-2006

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