Gems of Qur'anic Knowledge and Wisdom - Part 39

Part 39

Tags: Ma qila fi'llahi, Hazrat `Ali, Resurrection, Naqur

By the Name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful.

According to manqabat 27 of Kawkab-i Durri, the pure light of Mawla `Ali (a.s) is itself the luminous resurrection15 and according to manqabat 56, it is the luminous naqur.16 According to Qur'an (47:6) the light of `Ali (a.s) is paradise. This paradise of luminous theophanies will come closer to the moths of light in the cycle of resurrection (26:90, 50:31). It means that in the cycle of resurrection luminous wonders and marvels will manifest in the dreams and imagination of those who recognise Hazrat-i Qa'im (a.s).

This blessed saying of Hazrat-i Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s): "Ma qila fi'llahi fa-huwa fina wa ma qila fina fa-huwa fi'l-bulaga'i min shi`atina" is a great treasure of the gems of Qur'anic knowledge and wisdom and through this pure saying numerous secrets of the Qur'an can be unveiled for you.

Monday 7 February 2005

15Sayyid Muhammad Salih Kashfi, Manaqib-i Murtazawi, translated into Urdu by Sayyid Sharif Husayn as Kawkab-i Durri (Lahore, n.d.), p. 226 16ibid., p. 230

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