Surah: 050 - Ayah: 031
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Uzlifat (It is brought near)
O my dears! According to the Qur'an, the length and width of paradise is like that of the universe. However, in the personal world where the resurrection takes place, it is brought near, as mentioned in verse (50:31): "And paradise shall be brought near to the righteous ones, not far off." That is, true paradise is in the Universal Intellect and the Universal Soul, with whom the personal world has a link when the resurrection takes place.
Q17 In verse (50:31) the wise Qur’an says that on the Day of Resurrection paradise will be brought near to the muttaqin (righteous). Please tell us where paradise will be placed in such a case?
A17 When paradise is brought near to the righteous (muttaqin) on the Day of Resurrection (50:31), it is placed in [their] personal world.
This verse has been referred 12 times.