Gems of Qur'anic Knowledge and Wisdom - Part 53

Part 53

Tags: Law of renewal, Qanun-i tajaddud

By the Name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful.

It is extremely essential to know about the law of renewal (qanun-i tajaddud). Everything, whether small or big, is in pairs and so is paradise: paradise for recognition (`irfani bihisht) and eternal paradise (abadi bihisht). The paradise for recognition is made for you in your [own] forehead so that every person may attain the recognition of their soul and that of their Lord in this paradise of their [own] personal world and through this they will be granted the eternal paradise (47:6). Regarding people who are ignorant of this infinite grace of God, He says: "By the Time! Verily man is in loss" (103:1-2).

Human beings who are ungrateful for the luminous paradise in their forehead are in extreme loss. `Asr alludes to the Imam of the `asr, i.e., Imam of the time because the true time and the precious life is one which is spent in the love for and obedience to the Imam of the time.

"I have seen the time of my life flow away [as fast] as the water of a river. O beloved! Without you what can fulfil my life?"29

Wednesday 16 February 2005

29`Allamah Nasir al-Din Nasir Hunzai, Diwan-i Nasiri awr Bihishte Asquring (Burushaski) (Karachi, 2001), p. 64

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