Gems of Qur'anic Knowledge and Wisdom - Part 58

Part 58

Tags: Recognition, Shinakht, Sullam

By the Name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful.

It is said in surah-yi Fatir: "Those truly fear Allah, among His servants, who have knowledge. Surely God is All-mighty, Allforgiving." (35:28).

The greatest secret of this noble verse is that only those people fear God who recognise Him.

     Pay-yi `ilm chun sham` bayad gudakht 

     Kih bi-`ilm na-tawan Khuda ra shinakht 
Translation: One should melt like a candle for the sake of knowledge, because without knowledge God cannot be recognized.

Note: I have identified the name of the author of the book "Sullamu'n-Najat", i.e., Da`i Sayyidna Abu Ya`qub Ishaq bin Ahmad Sijistani from Markaz-i `Ilm-u Hikmat, London as I want to explain the ta'wil of the word "sullam" if Mawla's internal grace is bestowed.

Saturday 19 February 2005

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