Gems of Qur'anic Knowledge and Wisdom - Part 97
Part 97
Tags: Resurrection, Supreme Name Ism-i a`zam, Hidden book
By the Name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful.
The fifty-sixth surah [of the holy Qur'an] is called al-Waqi`ah. This name is for this surah as well as for resurrection and also for al`Aliyyu'l-Murtaza (a.s) because he is resurrection as well as the Lord of resurrection, therefore each and every name of resurrection is among his attributive names. Read this entire surah with insight as you are one of the moths of the Supreme Name (ism-i a`zam) and the eternal light (nur-i aqdam). Further in the surah (56:74-79) check whether the holy Prophet (May Allah send blessings and peace through him and his progeny) used to do the tasbih of the living Supreme Name of the cycle of resurrection? [To swear] By the falling of stars = the wests of the lights of the Sacred Sanctuary = the blessed mouth! This is an enormous oath. The complement of the oath: Certainly that is the Qur'an of the highest rank which is in the Hidden Book (kitab-i maknun). The Hidden Book is at the confluence of the Pearl of Intellect, which is the confluence of Tablet and Pen. Only those who are purified can touch the Hidden Book. This is the pinnacle of tanzil.
Sunday 13 March 2005
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