Spiritual Experiences - Signs, Observations and Experiences

Signs, Observations and Experiences

Tags: Afaq Wa Anfus, Resurrection, Recognition

1. Signs in the microcosm and macrocosm
This wisdom-filled verse is mentioned in (41:53): "Soon we will show Our signs in the external world and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that, indeed He is the true." It is a true fact that Qur'anic words have more than one meaning, due to which various explanations of this verse are given in different books. However, with great humility, one more explanation is given here that Afaq is the plural of ufuq and in which there are three allusions:

  1. the place where the earth and the heaven seem to be joined.
  2. the place where there is the junction of the physical earth and the spiritual heaven.
  3. The rank where the earth of the soul and the heaven of the intellect meet.

Thus, these are three ufuq or afaq. Similarly, souls (anfus) have two meanings:

  1. the partial souls which are presently in people.
  2. the universal souls which people attain during spiritual resurrection. By the universal souls are meant the Perfect Men who are considered to be the believer's real and lofty souls. Therefore, there are countless copies of the Perfect Men, and this is a very great favour of God.

2. Every horizon and every soul:
The physical (zahiri) horizon, the spiritual horizon, the intellectual horizon, the partial soul and the Universal Soul are all those places where, by God's command, miracles continue to happen, because miracles are the collective actions of Divine attributes, which can never stop or be silent. For example, if the sun does not work according to its law what will happen to the solar system? In short, God always shows miracles. In fact, numerous miracles are already there in front of people, but most people do not study nature with their physical eye, let alone struggle to create the inner eye.

3. All the miracles of spiritual resurrection:
The spiritual resurrection and all its miracles are mentioned in verse (41:53). In this resurrection, every miracle appears and is observed by the Perfect Man together with all the people of resurrection. However, they are all either in the form of particles or in the state of merging. That is, they are in the personal world of the Perfect Man and they continue to see everything in the light of his spirituality. However, between these representative particles (souls) and the people of the world stands a wall due to which people are unaware of their spiritual accounts.

4. First resurrection to the next resurrection:
The Qur'an in the language of wisdom says that a resurrection (17:71) is hidden with the Imam of every time and at the peak of every final and resurrection related to recognition (ma`rifat) there is the renewal of the Covenant of 'Am I not?' Reflect well on (7:172). Question: When God took the particles (zurriyyat) from the loins of the children of Adam, where did He take them and why? Answer: He took them to the holy forehead of the Perfect Man, an act in which many secrets are hidden. One of them is to show all the souls the system of the upbringing with knowledge and recognition, and then to take from them the oath of allegiance that the noble Sustainer is the truth, and this work can only be done at the rank of the forehead. Q. Is this the story of any particular time or is it the mention of the resurrection of all the Prophets and awliya' of the supreme cycle? A. This is the collective and united mention of all the separate resurrections. Q. Is one blessed with the holy didar of God in the luminous forehead of the Perfect Man or only with the blessing of hearing God's speech? A. Every supreme bounty can be attained but only by being merged in the Perfect Man because it is the world of Monoreality.

5. More questions on recognition:
Q. You always continue to amazingly praise heavenly love from different aspects, but where is an allusion to the existence of love and its sustenance in the magnificent question of "Am I not your Lord?" whereas a clear wisdom-filled allusion to the nourishment of the soul and intellect is in the name of Rabb? A. Respected sir, the Sustainer of the worlds does all kinds of magnificent sustenance and His holy didar, in particular, is the sustaining of love. Therefore, the elevation of love is very amazing. Q. Is the question of alast related only to the the particles (zurriyyat) of Adam's children or does it include Hazrat-i Adam (May peace be through him) and his children? A. This is the very great wisdom that every Adam was previously the son of Adam and before that he was the seed or descendant (zurriyyat), because this is the allusion of this noble verse. Q. What is the special wisdom of this verse (7:172)? A. "And they were made witness over their own souls" means that with God's grace, according to the hadith "He who recognises", they attained God's recognition through their own recognition.

Al-Hamduli'llahi Rabbi'l-`Alamin!

Karachi, 17th July 1997
Thursday, 11 Rabi` I, 1418 A.H

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