Surah: 041 - Ayah: 053
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I believe that the U.F.Os are also the same shirts, in which is placed the Divine mercy for mankind. The proof of this is found not only in the Qur'an, but rational proof can also be furnished. The Qur'anic proof is that as the minor or major miracles take place in the external world, in the same way, they also take place in the internal world or the personal world (41:53). Here a friend may question that if" this is so, then can there be the things such as the inventions of science -television, wireless, telescope, radio, recorders, camera, film etc., in the internal world of man? I will say yes. There can be such things, but there is a difference in the nature and purpose of the two. The material instruments, as they are material, are used for the purpose of attaining benefits of this world, similarly, the internal instruments which are spiritual and religious, their purpose £s to attain religion and marifat. Thus these spiritual Instruments will not be called radio, film etc., but they will be called internal senses or spirituality.
In the verse (41:53) God says: "Soon will We show them Our signs on the horizons (of the world) and also within themselves, until it will be manifest unto them that He is the Truth". In this heavenly prophecy, which was made during the time of prophethood, are indicated, first, the present scientific marvels and wonders and then the cycle of spirituality. And the purpose of these two kinds of miracles ls obviously to recognize the soul in their light, as it ought to be recognized, so that, it may result in the- recognition of the Nourisher (rabb), when this light reaches the level of the certainty of truth (haqq al-yaqln).
In the verse (41:53) of the Qur'an, it is said that the signs of God are in the horizons (afaq. the physical world) as well as in the souls (anfus, the spiritual world). The purport of this extremely important verse is that, in order to attain the recognition of God and that of religion, the evidences and the realities of the physical and spiritual worlds should be used. For instance, we should know from the book of the universe whether the Prophet can internally cast the light of the spirituality of the Qur'an on his successor, or not? If he can, then in what way? In order to know this reality when we think of the sun, the fountainhead of material light, we come to know that the sun always casts light on the moon along with other things. But during the night when the sun is not present, then, it is only the moon, which can represent the sun. That is to say that instead of the sun, it is the moon which gives the light and the stars do not have enough light to represent the sun. This means that, as always, there were the hudud-i din during the time of the Prophet also, whom the moon and the stars of all levels symbolise. This example shows that the Prophet was the sun of religion, Asas the moon, and the rest of the hudud were the stars of religion. This moon and these stars of religion are lit since the sun of religion had been lit.
External World (afaq), Internal World (anfus) and Science: When the Qur'an was being revealed to the Holy Prophet, among many other prophecies one extremely important prophecy which has become a reality, is: "Soon We shall show Our signs in the horizons (of the world, afaq), and in their souls (anfus) until it becomes manifest to them that He is the true". (41:53). There is no doubt that the external signs (ayat, miracles) have become manifest in the form of scientific inventions, but now the manifestation of spiritual signs and miracles remains. Note that if these Divine signs which have been revealed are called science, why should we not also call those signs which are going to appear in the human soul, science? There is one difference in that the former is material science and the latter, the spiritual one.
It is a well accepted fact that man is, whether in actuality or in potentiality, a spiritual world in himself. As it is said in the Qur'an:
We shall show them Our signs in this world and in their own souls, until it will be manifest unto them that it is the Truth (41:53).
This Qur'anic verse reveals clearly that all those "signs of Allah" which are contained in this external world are contained also in man, in a spiritual form. In this sense it is said that man is a "microcosm" and the external world is a "macrocosm". Among the signs of His power and His luminous and living miracles, the greatest sign of His power and the greatest miracle is His Own luminous manifestation and His holy didar (vision).
If God's signs (ayats) are scattered in the external world, they are united in the human soul (41:53). This means that everything that is materially manifest in this world is hidden in man spiritually, thus he has the enormous capital and treasure within himself to purchase both the worlds. In another respect he himself is the quintessence and the spiritual form of both the worlds, or a miraculous world which contains both this world and the next world in subtle form.
How important is this saying that the batin (esoteric or inner aspect) of the shari'at is the tariqat and the batin of the tariqat is the haqiqat and the hatin of the haqiqat is ma 'rifat, so the ma 'rifat is everything, because it contains the soul and value of everything. And ma 'rifat is not found except in the essence of man. This shows that man is the Divine treasure.
There is no power except Divine guidance, which can move the universe and the things in it, whereby, in a way, everything circumambulates the real Kabah. This means that the same Universal Soul, which causes the huge spheres to rotate, also causes the tiny electrons in every atom to rotate. In view of this spiritual background, how true is it to say that there is a living example of the circumambulation of the real Ka'bah in the atom! And this is among the ayats of God, in the sense of miracles and signs (41:53).
God, always creates the human or personal worlds, particularly the personal world of every Prophet and every Imam. For, the sun of the light of marifat rises from here, and in it, God repeatedly enfolds and unfolds the external universe and its events. Thus, it is as if God, the Exalted, rewinds and forwards the heaven and the earth of knowledge and wisdom, so that the on-lookers may have complete recognition (marifat) of His signs (41:53; 51:21).
Praise be to the Exalted and powerful Creator, who created the external world from the internal world and showed the traces of the latter in the former, so that people may attain perfect certainty of His truth and unity through the observed proofs of these traces, and say that their Lord is True, as is clear from verse (41:53): “Soon We will show our signs to them in the horizons (of this world), and within themselves until if becomes manifest to them that He is true.”
fourteen years ago, the holy Qur’an had clearly prophesied that Allah will start to show the signs (ayat) of His omnipotence, both in the external world and in the world of souls (41:53). Thus without any doubt, we can say that today those signs or wonders and marvels of God are apparent in front of people in the form of material science and its inventions, and now they are going to show their wonders in the world of the soul r the personal world in the form of spiritual science.
If you want to ask how the Qur’anic verses are written and preserved in the Universal Soul, then you should ponder on this Qur’anic verses: “ We shall show them Our sings on the horizons and in their own souls until it will be manifest onto them that it is the Truth.” (XLI :53). This means that the signs of God are hidden in this spacious world and also in the human souls, which the common people cannot see. In spite of this there has to come a time, wherein God will show them His signs. This shows that the signs of god are written in the exterior and interior of the world and in the essence of man himself, but God’s writing is entirely different and much loftier than that of the writing of man. Further, it should be known that all the signs of God, whether they are in the horizons or in the sense of living miracles, are the Qur’an, for the Qur’an is the sign of God, as well as the miracle of His power.
Afaq wa anfus (The physical world and the spiritual world)
If the external signs of God are called material science, then His internal or spiritual signs can certainly be called spiritual science, because the external world and the spiritual world and the signs which appear in them, all belong to Him (41:53).
Ayat (Signs, miracles)
Approximately fourteen hundred years ago, the holy Qur’an had prophesied in clear and unequivocal language that soon Allah will start to show the signs of His power, both in The people of the world have so many amenities which are beyond description, due to the blessings of material science. Imagine what great benefits they will receive when spiritual science will appear in their personal world! (41:53).
Hikmah (Special knowledge, wisdom)
The way hikmat is defined by different scholars is more or less the same. According to us, the fundamental hikmat is the ta'wil of the Qur'an and the same is also the spiritual aspect of material science, as there is a link between the signs of the external world and the internal world (41:53). Thus, if today these external signs are known as material science, why should the internal signs, like them, not be referred to as spiritual science, so that by this appropriate way of expression, the importance of science may further increase and religion and science may come very close to one another.
Although according to you and us, material science and spiritual science are separate, but in the sight of God and the Prophet, together they are one chain. The only difference is that the initial part of it is material science and the last part of it is spiritual science. In other words, external science is related to the external world (afaq) and the internal science to the spiritual world (anfus). Both of them are among the miracles of God (41:53) and in both of them lies betterment and success of this world and the Hereafter.
In future, the inhabitants of the planet earth will willingly or unwillingly, have recourse to spiritual healing, because there is going to be the sway and rule of spiritual science. This pleasant prophecy is made by numerous verses of the wise Qur’an. It is the holy Qur’an which says that, immediately after the miracles of material science, there will appear the miracles of spiritual science (41:53). Whether this revolution of spirituality and hidden knowledge will start from Islamic countries, or according to heavenly wisdom and expediency from other countries, such as America, Russia, China, etc. its nature and form will be exactly the same as has been mentioned in the prophecies of the glorious Qur’an. This foresight is a bright proof of its being true and unique, which is perfect and complete in every respect and has been revealed to the Prophet of the last time, may peace be upon him and his progeny.
During the time of the revelation of the Qur’an, an extremely significant revolutionary prophecy was made, which is related to the manifestation of the Divine signs in the external world and in the internal world (41:53). That time has now come. In fact, after the signs, i.e. the miracles of the external world, the miracles of the internal or personal world have also started to manifest. The way and the door of observing and experiencing them, God willing, is the breathing dhikr. So let us do the wisdom-filled dhikr of “Ya-Hu” or of any other name in our breaths, so that, through the oxygen, the fragrances of Paradise may permeate each and every cell and particle of our body. For, it is not only a cure of spiritual science for every disease, but also an exalted `ibadat. Here it should also be remembered well that the manifestations of the spiritual things are according to the five senses in the subtle state and one of them is related to smell, in which are subtle nourishments in the form of various fragrances.
Flying Saucer: What is that creature which the inhabitants of the earth have named the flying saucer? Is it an extremely developed man? Is it an angel? Is it a jinn? Is it jism-i mithali? Can it be the Throne of Sulayman, or the ibda`i shirt, or the paradisiacal throne, or the paradisiacal attire, or the flying vehicle of the fairies, or the personal world? What is it after all? It is the ibda`i body and therefore it is everything; it is the source of the manifestation of the creatures and the treasures of Paradise. It is also among those signs (miracles, 41:53) of God, the manifestation of which was predicted during the revelation of the Qur'an. In short, God willing, the greatest revolution of scientific and spiritual progress is going to take place as a result of the subjugation of flying saucers.
One important aspect of the reality of light is that it and the sight of the eyes work together, just as both the eyes work together. Thus “the seeing” of the inner eye and “the seeing” of the light of God have the same meaning. God says: “We will soon show them Our signs in the horizons (i.e. the external world) and in their souls until it will be manifest unto them that He is True” (41:53).
Dear friends! Let us pray together with utmost humility and sincerity that may God illumine the earth of the world of religion and the world of humanity with the light of His knowledge and wisdom forever, according to His true promises in the Wise Qur'an. We are absolutely sure that in His sublime law there is never any going back on His word. God willing! The time of manifestation of secrets has now come. That is, when God has enriched the external world with the wealth of material science, then certainly simultaneously or thereafter, He will also grant the internal world or the world of soul a necessary and exalted bounty (41:53). We can call such an exalted bounty "spiritual science".
In verses (41:53-54) God says: "Soon We will show Our signs to them in the horizons (afaq) and in their souls until it becomes manifest to them that He is the truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is witness over all things? Beware they are in doubt about the meeting with their Lord! Beware! He encompasses all things."
Q.(f) What do you say about the material miracles of the present age? A. They are the signs or miracles of the power of God, to which there is a specific allusion in the above-mentioned verse (41:53).
However, the science of spirituality is such that it is older than the very history of humanity. it has always been specifically important and necessary for mankind, and has remained in every time, but it is going to be particularly so in the present and the future. For, according to the allusion of verse (41:53): "We will show them Our signs in the external world and the internal world until it becomes manifest to them that He is the truth," the miracles of material progress have appeared and those of the spiritual ones are yet to appear.
It is evident from the discovery of the above-mentioned facts that the creative form of the universe and man, or the external world and the internal world, is the law of God and His practical book, in which there is no room for any kind of doubt, because its signs are clear and visible in a practical form for the people of insight. And it is a fact that book which is free from any kind of doubt can eventually become the source of certtude for all people, as God says in verse (41:53): “ (During the revelation of the Quraan, God says Soon We will show our sign to them in the horizons (of the world) and within themselves until it becomes manifest to them that He is true.”
The Quraanic verse (41:53) shows that the ayat (signs, miracles) of God are both in the external universe and in the human soul, which soon He will show to the people until it becomes clear to them that He is the truth. This means that the Holy Quraan is in the luminous heart of the perfect Man with its complete spirituality and luminosity, because it is an universal law that what is attainable by common people after a long time, has already been attained by the chosen ones.
Just as recognition of the soul (self personal world) is the single means of recognition of God, it is also the means of the recognition of the secrets of the non-spatial world. Thus without the mention of the personal world, it is difficult, rather impossible, to duly understand and explain the realities and recognition of non-spatial and non-temporal world. In order to explain this extremely important subject, we have to necessarily refer to the personal world in which all the sings of the God, the great miracles and the secret of azal and abad are hidden (41:53; 51:21). In this connection there is an excellent subject of “ ‘alamin” which is mentioned 73 times in the Quraan and by which, according to Imam jafar as-Sadiq are meant human begins, because every individual in his own self (soul) is an independent world, in which, if seen with the real eyes, there is everything of the Divine kingdom in the states of knowledge, intellect and soul. Thus there is nothing in the universe and existents whose patterns is not found in it.
Part 16
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Study the booklet “Wonders and Marvels of Spiritual Science” again and again. It has been published separately as well as included in the book “Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science”. It is a small treatise [in size], but it contains the fundamental part of the account of resurrection. It is necessary for you to know the fundamentals of spiritual science.
O cazizan! Read verse (41:53) with the inner eye and reflect upon it with intellect and wisdom. The purport of this blessed verse is: Soon We will show Our miracles to them in the external world (afaq) and within their souls (anfus), so that it may be clear to them that He is True.”
Q30 In the light of the knowledge of certainty that you have about the observation of the miracles of God in the external world (afaq) and the inner world (anfus), tell us whether the farman of Mawla cAli(a.s.): “I am the miracles of Allah”, is not the wisdom-filled exegesis of verse (41:53)? Is it not the greatest sign and the greatest miracle that the exalted Imam can manifest himself in his luminous body (subtle body) in front of you?
A30 Certainly this farman of Mawla cAli(a.s.) is the wisdom-filled exegesis of verse (41:53). In this world God’s greatest sign and greatest miracle, which is the compendium of signs and miracles, is the Imam’s manifestation in his luminous body (subtle body).
Q146 It is said in a (hadīth): “Indeed to look at the Imam is (cibᾱdat) (worship) and to look at the Mushaf (i.e. the Qur’an) is [also] (cibᾱdat)”. What kind of looking at the Imam, i.e. the speaking Qur’an and the Mushaf, i.e. the silent Qur’an can be (cibᾱdat)? If someone is blessed to have the luminous (dīdᾱr) of the Imam and the Qur’an, which kind of (cibᾱdat) would this be?
A146 For those who look at the true Imam and the noble Qur’an with devotion and love, it is their visual (cibᾱdat). The (cibᾱdat) of the luminous (dīdᾱr) of the Imam and the Qur’an is highly exalted. Since one of the names of the Imam is (ᾱyᾱt) (signs, miracles) and the Qur’an is also the compendium of (ᾱyᾱt), thus according to the Divine promise: “Soon We will show them Our signs …” (41:53), people can see all the miracles of the exalted Imam and the mighty Qur’an within themselves.
Q357 In verse (41:53), there is a special promise of God, as well as a Qur’anic prophecy that soon God will show His ayat (signs) to the people in the external world as well as in their own souls. Is the present age in which a scientific revolution has occurred, the age referred to in this verse? If this is the case, why should one feel reticent to explain spiritual miracles through the examples of scientific inventions and instruments?
- Yes, this is the age of the appearance of the ayat and the scientific inventions and instruments are among the signs of God.
- There is no need to feel shy in understanding and explaining spiritual miracles through the examples of material science, because the wise Qur’an clearly says that God is going to show His signs to the people in the external world as well as in their personal worlds.
Q482 What is the reason that you always draw great attention to the personal world and the sacred Sanctuary?
- Basically you should regard it as a Divine favour, because the attraction that is found in Qur’anic knowledge and wisdom is from God and similarly other means are also from Him, the Causer of causes.
- According to verse (41:53) physical and spiritual miracles and wonders are observed in the present age. In such a case it is extremely necessary to explain the secrets of the personal world and the sacred Sanctuary at least at the level of the knowledge of certainty and in doing so countless benefits can be obtained. Al-hamdu li’llah!
The above title (Tajaddud-i Amthal), which is a sufic term, is literally derived from Arabic, but its meaning is based on the Qur’an, Islam and the universe, the evidence of which can be found both in the external world and the internal world (41:53). Thus this subject is extremely interesting and useful with respect to knowledge and gnosis. For, many kinds of conscious and unconscious questions can be solved automatically in its discussion.
This verse has been referred 35 times.