Spiritual Experiences - Qur'anic Science and the Universe

Qur'anic Science and the Universe

Tags: Fitrat, Universe, Spiritual Science

1. It is said in a wisdom-filled verse of the Qur'an (30:30). "Then set your face upright for religion in the right state - the nature made by Allah in which He has made men; there is no altering of Allah's creation; that is the right religion, but most people do not know". You see that this noble verse has five parts and related to these, the highest meaning or jabini wisdom = spiritual science is this:

Part 1: (O Prophet, O wali (friend), O `arif) establish the face of your intellect and soul for din-i hanif (Monoreality) in the Sacred Sanctuary.

2. Part 2: Fitrat (nature) means: the face of the Compassionate, the true religion, the creation of azal, Monoreality and the law of nature. Thus, the secrets of the forehead of the 2nd part are as follows: God's creation of azal is that according to which He has created all people. That is, the creation of the all-knowing Creator is in the higher world as well as in the lower world and there is a fundamental compatibility between the two, so that every person may enter the treasure of the forehead (jabin) by following the teachings of the right religion (din-i hanif).

3. Part 3: There is no change in the physical and spiritual creation of God. That is, in the supreme circle, although there are countless subsidiary alterations, but if looked at universally, there are no alterations. This means that God's attribute of creativity is always working without any alteration, and the beginning and the end of this work is not possible, because God's kingship is eternal.

4. Part 4: According to the Qamusu'l-Qur'an, the word al qayyimu, which is derived from qiyam, means: "The one who keeps upright, the caretaker, straight, right". Thus, the meaning of part 4 is that this is the religion of qa'imu'l-qiyamat, whose introduction is given in the above noble verse and whose explanation has been given.

5. Part 5: Most people do not know these secrets of the true religion (which have been mentioned here). Thus, human beings are always present in paradise. You will find this secret hidden in many words of the Qur'an. For example, who are the gilman, the abadi young boys of paradise, who are abadi as well as azali? Whose living and miraculous attire are they, by wearing which one has this perfect certainty that he has never come out of paradise? This attire is for you and for everybody.

6. In the light of the above-mentioned verse of nature, we will now explain some recognitions and realities related to the physical universe. Stars and people have been created under one law of nature. Thus, in this universal situation, there is a great wisdom filled lesson as to why human beings of the world have not been born at one time and in one day? Why does everyone's physical death not come at the same time? This is the great allusion of the law of nature that similarly, all the stars do not come into existence at once and neither do they perish all together, rather, like human beings, they also have the beginning-less and endless continuous chain of birth and death.

7. In the wise Qur'an there are all-inclusive laws or universals, in the light of which everything of the universe is recognised, such as, the universal law of water in verse (21:30): "All living things We have made from water". That is, physical life is made from physical water and the true life [i.e., spiritual life] is from spiritual water (`ilm). Therefore, in the beginning, when there was no blessing of water on the planet earth (41:10), this earth was still not alive. After a long period, when all the water stocks (sea, etc.) of the planet earth will end (18:7-8, 23:18), at that time all vegetation and animals will perish, but by then with the help of spiritual science, human beings will have gone to another planet by being transported in the luminous body (refer to ). For the Qur'an says (84:19): "That you shall be caused to climb one plane after another plane."

8. In one of your books, Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science, you have made a very beneficial, revealing argument about the existence of the sun. Please tell us here, how planets or stars come into existence in the universe? Is there any allusion in the wise Qur'an regarding this topic? If there is, please tell us about it. Answer: It is said in (21:30) "Have the infidels not seen that the sky and the earth were together, then We separated them." That is, whatever particles the earth has now, were initially scattered in the sky. Thus, with God's command, the soul which was appointed for the earth gradually collected all the dispersed particles for itself and this law of nature has been established for all the heavenly bodies. Al-Hamduli'llah!

Islamabad, 31 August 1997
Sunday, 26 Rabi` II, 1418 A.H.

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