
Surah: 030 - Ayah: 030

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related refs 33:62, 24:35, 33:46, 25:61, 24:36, 9:36, 9:32, 9:33,

A thousand Questions, One Answer: it is the perfect miracle of the comprehensiveness of the universal laws of the Wise Qur’an that each of them has a clear and sufficient answer for thousands of questions, but its condition is reflection, intellect and wisdom. For example, discipline yourself to reflect upon the verse (30:30), which implies: You establish your spiritual face (at the place of recognition) as a hanif for religion. This is (the miracle of) the creation of God that He created people (with the capacity)…That is fulfilling all religious injunctions progress in the personal world to the extent that your spiritual face may represent the Universal Soul. Then you will obtain the treasure of the secrets of Intellect, at which stage no questions remain.

Pure Intellect 45

Just as God always creates innumerable people, He also creates countless worlds (30:30).

Sublime Realities (66)

Fitrah (2) (Creation, formation, law of nature)

In verse (30:30) the Qur'an says: "So set your (spiritual) face devotedly to the religion of qa’im (i.e. become annihilated in surat-i Rahman and become surat-i Rahman). The (intellectual and luminous) creation of God is the one according to which He created people”. (That is, physical creation is followed by spiritual creation after which there is finally the intellectual creation, in which one has to be created in the surat-i Rahman like Hazrat Adam).

Thousand Wisdoms 658 (350)

Fitrah (3) (Creation, formation, law of nature)

In the same verse (30:30) God continues: "There is no change in (the special and intellectual) creation of God and this is the religion of the qa’im (but most people do not know)". It is inconceivable that people are created from God as such, rather they are created from the reflection of the surat-i Rahman, i.e. the Single Soul or Adam. Adam or the Single Soul embraced all of them. Thus when the people begin to merge in their origin, they regain the same image of Adam, which they used to have originally.

Thousand Wisdoms 659 (350)

(1) We hope that in the near future secular scientists will accept the fact that the Creator and Master of this universe is God alone, Who has created the heavens and the earth and continues to create them every time (i.e. He renews them). The Holy Qur'an has openly proclaimed: "There is no alteration in the creation (renewal) of God," (30:30), just as it is said about the Divine law or habit (sunnat): "You will never find any alteration in the law of God." (33:62). There are many useful allusions for the people of wisdom in this key wisdom

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (8)

The Qur'anic verse concerning the law of nature is: "So (O Prophet and mu'mins!) avoiding falsehood turn your face to the religion. [This is] the nature (fitrat=creation) of God upon which He has created people. There is no change in the creation of God. This is the upright religion, but most people do not know." (30:30).

Wisdom 1: There is far-reaching wisdom hidden in every guidance of the Wise Qur'an, therefore, it does not stop at an intermediary level, rather it reaches the ultimate destination (Sacred Sanctuary). Thus, the wisdom of this verse is: O Prophet and those of you who obey him! You should become arifs and set your spiritual face towards that spiritual height of religion where the mirror of oneness of the Image of the Compassionate (surat-i rahman) appears. This is the law of nature of God, according to which He has created all human beings. That is, the best and most sublime example of nature is man himself. He is the extract and quintessence of the universe and the existents. That is, even though man is microcosm (personal world), the Omnipotent God enfolds the macrocosm in him. Nonetheless, this event takes place in a spiritual state, and not in a material sense. Thus, it is absolutely true to say that the secrets of the nature of heaven and earth are hidden in the personal world. That is, all the secrets of the heaven, the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, time and space are hidden within man, and the firm evidences and bright proofs of this fact are found throughout the Glorious Qur'an.

Wisdom 2: The verse under discussion also says: "There is no change in the creation of God." (30:30). In this there is the answer to the greatest question of the world regarding the idea of creation, which is: Is it possible for there to be a time in which creatures did not actually exist under God's attribute of creatorship? The answer in this verse is: There is no change in the creation of God, because it is not possible for there to be a change in His attribute of creatorship, namely, first to be potential and then to be actual. Such a hypothesis is absurd and impossible. Rather, contrary to this, every attribute of His is actually eternal. Thus, He is the eternal creator and by His command the chain of survival and annihilation always continues without a beginning or an end.

Wisdom 3: All these realities and recognitions are found in the religion of Islam, therefore at the end of the verse it is praised as the din-i qa'im (Religion of Qa'im), which is the religion of the Prophets, awliya' and of those who follow them. The final rank of this religion is the Divine vision and annihilation in God. In this state, all souls of the universe are together. If God wills many secrets of nature can be known through such souls.

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (16-17)

Wisdom 6: The signs (miracles) which are in the earth are also in the human soul. This indicates that just as man has intellect and soul, the planet earth also has its intellect and soul. This is a great revolutionary idea. I understand that by discovering this reality, at least according to us, the theory of gravity ceases to exist. This is because this discovery shows that the earth is orderly, centred and preserved from scattering because of its intellect and soul (and not because of gravity), the example of which is the personality of man, who is the best example of the law of nature (30:30). This shows that every planet and every star of the universe has an intellect and a soul of its own, as Hakim Nasir-i Khusraw, may God sanctify his secret, says in his Rawshana-i-namah:

Giriftah har yaki aqli wa jani;

ba-kar-i khwishtan har yak jahani

Every (planet and star) has an intellect and a soul

So that every world may do its own work

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (22-23)

According to the Wise Qur'an (30:30), the best example of the law of nature is man himself. If he recognises himself, he recognises his Lord and His creation (universe). Thus, by this example the Wise Qur'an invites the people of insight to reflect upon the five similitudes of the lamp. The first is related to the Light of God (24:35), the second is related to that of the Prophet (33:46), the third is the example of the lamp of the universe (the sun, 25:61), the fourth is the example of the lamp in a house (24:36) and the fifth is that of the lamp of life (heart).

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (30)

The clear meaning of verse (30:30) is: "The upright religion (Islam) is the religion of nature (creation), and Allah’s nature is that on which He created people and there is no change in the law ordained by Allah for creation. And this is the religion of Qa’im." From this Qur’anic proof it is clear that the physical creation of Hazrat Adam was exactly in accordance with the law of nature, and that He created him in the same way that He created all other people.

Fruits of Paradise (38)

It is known to all that Islam is the religion of nature and the Divine law and it is also obvious that the fundamental law of nature is love and the example of this is found in animate creatures, particularly in man who is the most complete and excellent example of Divine nature, as God says: “It is the nature of Allah according to which He has created mankind. There is no change in His creation”. (30:30)

Walᾱyat Nᾱmah (31)

We firmly believe that Islam alone is the religion of nature (fitrat). However, it is necessary to know the most accurate and precise meaning and purport of fitrat. Fitrat literally means innate character, natural disposition, constitution, temperament, instinct, religion, sunnat (habit, law), way of creation (al-Munjid, Hans Wehr's "A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic"). Thus, the Wise Qur'an says in verse (30:30): "The way of creation (din=sunnat) of Allah is that according to which He has created (and continues to create) people. There is no change in the creation of God." That is, there is no change in the fundamental laws and the supreme circle.

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (105)

In this world of colour and fragrance, there are apparently many beautiful flowers, but the most superior are those which, in addition to colour, have treasures of fragrance as well. People are fond of such flowers, but it is not apparent why or what for or what the background is. However, the people of wisdom know the reason for it. They know that the nature according to which man is created, is perfect and complete and which, in the language of wisdom, is praised in the Quraan (30:30). This is the nature which is kneaded from the pure soil of Paradise, and the soil of Paradise had a direct link with flowers, the remembrance of which is buried in human nature. It is because of this that man loves flowers, but he does not know the reason for it.

Sublime Realities (14)

Part 28

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

It is mentioned in the wisdom-filled verse (30:30): “There is (only) one nature (fitrat) of God, according to which He has created [all] human beings. There is no change in God’s creation. That is the religion of the qa’im, but most people do not know.”

This most comprehensive farman of the verse of fitrat (nature, creation) is a treasure of knowledge and wisdom in which there are satisfactory answers to all those intricate questions that arise concerning the world of humanity.

Uyum dishan yecaba ele sis uyon babar ban
Azale babar bam juwan abade babar but uyam

I have seen a sublime place where all people are equal,
How sweet! They will be equal in abad as they were inazal.20

Read and reflect on the law of the individual, the law of fana’ fi’llah, and the equality of the Compassionate (musawat-i Rahmani) in the Qur’an! Try to understand the law of monoreality!

The Wise Qur’an and the World of Humanity (34)

Part 92

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

It is said in verse (30:30): “The [law of] nature of God is that according to which He created [all] human beings. There is no change in the creation of Allah. This is the right and the correct religion, this is the religion of the qa’im, but most human beings do not know.”

This means that in azal God has created all people spiritually equal. This is why the hujjat of qa’im has said: “The soul is only one”.105 He has also graciously given the revolutionary concept of monoreality.

Allah and His Prophet have granted all people the supreme title of “Allah’s household”. The concept of the sacred Sanctuary has shown all people on the supreme Throne.

The Wise Qur’an and the World of Humanity (99)

Q377 We all believe in the collective resurrection, therefore, please furnish us with a proof, which shows that it is mainly individual.


  • The law of nature (law of religion) is mentioned in verse (30:30) and it is also alluded that just as people are born in separate times, they also die individually in separate times. This shows that the individual aspect of resurrection is like death, which is individual.
  • It is said in a hadith: “He who dies, his resurrection takes place”. And with the individual resurrection the collective resurrection of the people of the entire universe also takes place, but unconsciously.
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (181)

Islam is the religion of God, therefore, it is eternally present and established (9:36, 12:40, 30:30, 30:43). In accord with the time, it is called the religion of nature, because God has created people according to His nature i.e., His religion (30:30). To understand the meaning of the religion of nature, one should reflect upon the best example in nature i.e., a human being who after being born as a little baby progresses through the different stages of life and gradually reaches perfection. In a similar way Islam gradually passes through different stages of progression and its light becomes complete and perfect (9:32, 61:8). The proof that the light reaches the stage of perfection as a result of Islam’s all-embracing progress is that as the true religion, it will surpass all the other religions of the world (9:33, 61:9).

Treasure of Knowledge (19)

This verse has been referred 22 times.