Spiritual Experiences - The Rank of the Forehead in the Personal World

The Rank of the Forehead in the Personal World

Tags: Forehead, Personal World, Jabin

By the grace of God today, 1st of May 1997, we have supplicated in a new place. Therefore, (God willing) we will try to add some new things to the gifts for friends. You are aware that there are 8 paradises, 8 as 4 pairs, 4 as 2 pairs, and 2 as 1 pair. In the language of the Qur'an, it is called zawjan meaning two people, such as a husband and a wife. If two people enter the world of unity, they become one due to the law of unity. Therefore, paradise is one, two, four as well as eight. This means that paradise is expanded as well as centred and gathered together.

Paradise is spread through the length and breadth of the universe (3:133, 57:21) and it also becomes confined in the personal world of an `arif by God's command. After some time, it particularly centres in the forehead. It is in the sense that the forehead is like the throne where there is the intellectual paradise and all its bounties. In the Qur'an, the word used for the forehead is jabin. A special mention of it is in verse (37:103). Thus, the rank of jabin (forehead) is the highest in the personal world. It is indeed true that the centre of the light of the Imam of the time is in the forehead. Indeed, it is a great secret that light continues to speak auomatically in the blessed forehead of the Perfect Man. Al-hamdu li'llahi Rabbi'l-`Alamin!

  1. The enfolded paradise is in the forehead.
  2. This is the highest throne of the personal world.
  3. This is the Sacred Sanctuary.
  4. This is an example of Mi`raj.
  5. The entire narration about Mount Tur is that of the forehead.
  6. Only on reaching the forehead can one observe azal and spacelessness.
  7. The hidden treasure is concealed in the forehead.
  8. The forehead alone is the heaven of the personal world and the higher world.
  9. It is therefore extremely important, necessary and essential for all believing men and women to repeatedly do giryah-u zari in the Divine court and to do abundant prostrations of the forehead in heavenly love.

Islamabad, 1st May 1997
Thursday, 23 Zu'l-Hijjah 1417 A.H.

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