Surah: 003 - Ayah: 133
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From the way the command of sari u (vie one with another, 3:133), and sabiqu (compete one with another, 57:21) is given to attain the paradise, a wise person can Infer that ranks are ordained in the beginning of paradise and the highest rank among these is man's becoming a living paradise in his own self, the example of which are the holy personalities of the prophets and imams.
From the above-mentioned explanation of the two main ranks and their sub-ranks of good and evil, it can be appreciated that subtle bodies are not alike, and that there is a great difference among them. Thus the blessed subtle body of Hazrat Qa'imu'l-Qiyamat, alayhi afdalu't-tahiyyati wa's-salam, which is called the subtle universal body, comprises the vastnesses of the universe. It is the same living Paradise whose vastness is equal to that of the heaven and the earth (3:133; 57:21) and whose soul is the Universal Soul and whose intellect is the Universal Intellect. After him there are the subtle bodies of the exalted Imam, Bab, Hujjat, and Dai, according to their respective ranks. However, it depends on the courage, hard work, knowledge and deeds of a mu'min as to what rank of subtle body he can reach. So long as man is imprisoned in the dense body, it is extremely difficult to fully benefit from the subtle body. Nevertheless, let us see what revolution is to happen in the cycle of spirituality. However, it is quite certain that the subtle bodies (or Flying Saucers) are to be subjugated fully after physical death and in this state, no matter what kind of subtle body it is, there will be no hindrance in its use.
The Holy Qur’an says that the length and width of Paradise is equal to that of the world (3:133; 57:21). And people of knowledge know that what is equal to the external world is its ibdai body, which is both paradise and the subtle body of the material world. The existence of the heavens and the earth in the form of ibda is evident from this verse: “His is the badi and mubdi of the heavens and earth. And when something is completed then He says to it: “Be! And it becomes” (2:117). This indicates that the universe has two bodies: the subtle and the dense. The Qur’an, time and again, draws attention to the fact that everything is in pairs. Thus whether it is the external world or mankind, both have subtle and dense bodies opposite each other.
The heavens and the earth, namely, the entire universe has a subtle body, which has the fifth nature, which is neither dry nor wet, neither warm nor cold, and whose breadth and vastness is equal to the universe (3:133, 57:21). The same is the universal Paradise, which is for man and can also be brought closer (50:31).
You can cure your intense anger in several ways:
(a) The anger which hurts the heart and is severe and futile is dangerous. The cure of such an anger is necessary, which you should do by learning tolerance. Otherwise, its consequences can be bad.
(b) Ire and fury is like a bitter medicine which you should continue to swallow every time. As it is said: “If you wish to be cured then drink bitter medicine”. You should study verses (3:133-134) carefully that, the Paradise which is equal to the universe is prepared for the righteous, some of whose prominent qualities are: “Those who spend in ease and in adversity, those who control their wrath and are forgiving towards mankind; God loves those who do good.” In this manner you should continue the course of cure of your anger for forty days, God willing, your anger will be appeased to a great extent. If the goal is not achieved in one course, you can repeat it.
In the wise Qur’an commandments such as, “And Hasten!” (3:133), “Vie with one another” (57:21), “Hasten!” (62:9), “And the foremost in the race” (56:10), “And fly to!” (51:50), are enjoined to accomplish good deeds with rapidity, diligence and devotion. Thus it is a sure fact that rapid dhikr is a spiritual remedy through which, God willing, many diseases can be removed.
La makan (The spiritual world, non-spatial world)
If you want to see body and soul separately, then the former is spatial and the latter non-spatial. If you want to see them together, see the perfect personal world. Since paradise is intellect and soul, in that respect it is non-spatial, but due to the Universal Soul, it is linked with the earth and the heaven (3:133; 57:21).
Paradise and Hell
Question: What is our (Ismaili) concept pertaining to heaven and hell as described in the holy Qur'an?
Answer: Whatever is said in the holy Qur'an regarding paradise and hell is true, but we are more and more satisfied with wisdom and ta'wil. Thus [according to tawi] paradise exists as the inner aspect (batin) of the universe and the existents. That is, according to the Qur'an, it is in the length and width of the heavens and the earth (3:133; 57:21) and where according to verse (50:35), “There they have all that they desire, and there is more with Us”. That is, in paradise there are all those bounties which men desire and also those for which desire has yet not been created in them, such as the desire for Divine vision (didar-i-ilahi), union with the origin, (asl me wasil hona), eternal kingdom (azali wa abadi saltanat) etc.
The inner and spiritual Paradise of the entire universe has already been prepared for the righteous ones (3:133). The abode of the hereafter is alive (29:64). Thus, everything there is adorned with all the beauties of intellect and soul. Thus the paradisiacal attire is a luminous personality with the Holy Spirit and the Perfect Intellect, which is pre-eternal and post-eternal, by virtue of its being beyond time and space. Thus, the entering of a soul into such a personality means everlasting life in paradise (khulud).
However, if the soul is conceived of as being without a body, then it is not appropriate to say that the ocean of the soul is round or in any other shape. For when the soul is abstract then the three dimensions of length, breadth, and width, cannot be applied to it. But where it is linked to the physical world, then it is correct to say that it is round like the external universe and this same ocean of the soul which is the ocean of mercy, is also Paradise. As it says in the Qur’an, the width of Paradise is equal to the width of the universe (3:133, 57:21).
Q. You have said that the shape of the Dais or the Universal Soul which is the ocean of mercy as well as Paradise, is round like this universe, but how can we be sure that the universe itself is round? Can you please provide a sound proof?
A. Proof 1: When God said that the width of Paradise is equal to the width of the heaven and the earth, i.e. the Universe (3:133, 57:21), He did not mention the length or the depth of Paradise, because both Paradise and this world are round. The length and depth of a round body are also considered to be the same as its width. It is because of this that God, the Knowing and the Wise, has only mentioned the width of Paradise and the Universe and has said nothing about its length or depth. Thus it is clear that the shape of the universe and the Universal Soul is round.
Proof 2: The shape of every planet and star in the universe was round when it came into existence and still is, for it was created under the circular movement of the round universe. The way in which they move is also circular because they are moved by the circular rotation of the universe (21:33; 36:40).
Proof 3: The fountainhead of the sun which is the centre of our planetary system is round in every respect. It is a tremendously stormy world of bright gases, where a great store of light comes into being due to the dissolving of ether by the pressure of the Universal Soul. Its shape is round because it is gripped in every direction by the round universe and the round Universal Soul.
Proof 4: The concept of the origin of the universe is round for that origin is the Hidden Pearl, from which the universe was created. And when God enfolds it in His hand it also becomes this same Pearl (39:67; 21:104).
These proofs make it clear that the universe or the Universal Body is completely round.
Although expansion and contraction are the characteristics of the body and not that of the soul, yet the world of similitude (mithᾱl), which is subtle and spiritual, is like this world in expansion and breadth, as God says: “And vie one with another for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who are righteous” (3:133).
Part 53
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
It is said in verse (3:133): “And vie one with another in hastening [to obtain special] forgiveness from your Lord, and towards paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for the righteous.”
It is also said in verse (59:21): “Vie in hastening towards forgiveness from your Lord and a paradise whose expanse is as wide as that of the heavens and the earth, which has been prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. This is the grace of Allah which He bestows on whomsoever He wills and Allah is the Lord of great bounty.”
Verse (51:50) reads: “So flee unto Allah.” That is, surpass people in good deeds and knowledge and wisdom, so that God may grant you the universal paradise and thousands of its copies.
Q426 The question is with reference to verses (3:133; 57:21) that is it necessary to run and vie with one another in order to attain paradise? Why? Is the breadth of paradise equal to that of the universe? Why is its length not mentioned?
- Yes, it is necessary to run and to vie with one another in order to attain paradise.
- Because those who excel in this action, are to be made living paradises.
- Yes, the breadth of paradise is equal to that of the universe, because the latter is the external body of paradise.
- Its length is not mentioned, because paradise is circular and that which is circular its length is the same as its width.
Although spatially Paradise is equal to the length and width of the universe (3:133; 57:21), non-spatially, in spirituality or in Resurrection, it is brought near (50:31; 81:13), that is, spiritually the Universal Paradise can be contained in every person. This means that like the Prophets and awliya’, there is the tajaddud-i amthal of Paradise as well, since all sublime things are very close to the Command of “Be (Kun)”, therefore the instantaneous (ibda`i) manifestations constantly take place in them.
In verses (2:117; 6:101) it is mentioned: “Badicu’s-samawati wa’l-arz (the Originator of the heavens and the earth). The ta’wil of this is that He transforms the heavens and the earth into the personal world and makes the cosmic paradise in it. The proof of this cosmic paradise is found in verses (3:133; 57:21). This supreme miracle of the subjugation of the universe takes place during the spiritual resurrection.
The enfolding of the universe is mentioned in verse (21:104). The junction of the pearl of Intellect and the hidden Book is like the enfolded universe, which indeed contains many examples.
This verse has been referred 30 times.