
Surah: 001 - Ayah: 006

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related refs 4:69

`It is reality that the spiritual and real path of all the Prophets is one and the same and it is the straight path (sirat- mustaqim). The spiritual wonders and miracles which they observed are not hidden or separate from this path and exemplary of it. This means that by following the Holy Prophet and his true successors, it is possible for mu,mins to attain the marifat of every level and obseve the spiritual miracles of all the Prophets mentioned in the Qur’an. Otherwise, the Benevolent Lord would not have taught them such a comprehensive, meaningful and blissful prayer such as this: “Guide us on the straight path, the path of those upon whom You have bestowed You favours” (1:6-7). This implies that on the path of spiritualty mu’mins not only have to follow the footsteps of the Prophets, but also observe the favours bestowed upon them and attain the certainty of His ever-flowing mercy.

Pearls of marifat 78

Another question that can be asked is that if all the Prophets followed the same religion called the straight path (1:6, 4:69) then why is it that the Holy Prophet followed the path of Hazrat Ibrahim and not that of Hazrat Musa and Hazrat Isa? Does this mean he was greater than them? If this is so, then he should not have followed the path of Hazrat Ibrahim either, for surely he was the last and greatest of all the Prophets? The answer to this is that the Holy Prophet followed the path of Hazrat Ibrahim because this is in accordance with the Divine plan. It was not a choice made after a study of history, but due to an historical event which took place in accordance with Divine will. This event was that Hazrat Ibrahim had two sons, Hazrat Isma'il, who was the Permanent Imam (Imam-i mustaqarr) and Hazrat Ishaq, who was the Entrusted Imam (Imam-i mustawda’). Thus the permanent Imamat continued in the progeny of Hazrat Isma’il whilst the entrusted Imamat continued in the progeny of Hazrat Ishaq until the advent of the Holy Prophet when it merged with the permanent Imam. This means that the holy chain of the permanent Imams continued in the family of the Holy Prophet and it was through this that he specifically followed the path of Ibrahim before he received Prophethood.

Fruits of Paradise (47)

The right path which goes to Allah and on which He is accessed is only one and it is [called] Islam, the right path (sirat-i mustaqim). Hence “ihdina’s-sirata’l-mustaqim” (1:6) teaches to attain God’s recognition through knowledge and deeds according to true Islam and for this first and foremost the mediation of the true guide is required.

Treasure of Knowledge (20)

This verse has been referred 3 times.