Surah: 004 - Ayah: 069
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Here this question may arise that this progress, this destination, and this favour on the path of spirituality has been granted only to the prophets and Imams as their share, then how is it possible for mumins to observe and experience such spiritual stages? The answer is that in order to prove how such stages are possible for the mumins to observe, hundreds of proofs can be provided, but for the wise people it would be enough to mention just one Qur'anic proof and that is that the Lord of the world, through His mercy and grace, has wanted all mumins to follow those of His chosen servants upon whom He has bestowed His favours in the form of intellect, knowledge and spirituality and He has emphatically commanded the mumins to say; "Guide us on the straight path, the path of those upon whom You have bestowed favours." That is to say that grant us such high ambition and clear guidance with which, with gratitude, we will be able "to follow the prophets, the truthful (siddiqin) the martyrs (shuhada) and the righteous ones (salihin) on the path of spirituality, (see 4:69).
The great and special favours of God, may He be exalted, are in the Intellectual (aqll) and spiritual form and in order to grant these favours there is only one Divine law (sunnat-i ilihi). And the law is that when God wills to grant these favours to a fortunate person, then the Holy Spirit is breathed in him. Without breathing the Holy Spirit in, the spiritual favours are not possible. And if these spiritual favours are not possible for the mumins, then in what sense can the obedient mumins be in the companionship of the prophets and Imams, while their companionship for those who follow them is praised. (4:69)? Thus here this fact becomes clear that the Divine Spirit or the Holy Spirit can be breathed even into the real mumins and the condition for which is the absolute obedience of God, the Prophet and the waliyy-i amr (the holder of the command) which also includes the duty to aquire knowledge. Further, in this connection, the gift of the ism-i azam from the Imam of the time has the prime importance. All this is in the sense of the breathing of the Divine Spirit potentially, at the first stage, which is related to the external senses and corporeality.
Q. Is there a Qur'anic proof that there is music in Paradise?
A. Yes, there are several proofs. The first is that the Sur-i Israfil is from the presence of God and among the bounties of Paradise. The second is that those who obey God and the Prophet, will be in the company of those upon whom God has bestowed His favours, i.e. the Prophets, the truthful ones, the witnesses and the righteous ones. How excellent these companions are if one is fortunate enough to have them (4:69)! In this connection, the people of faith will be very happy to see Hazrat Da'udin Paradise, for in his record of deeds there will also be the melodies of the Psalms and the music related to them.
Now, after the soul, comes the turn of the intellect to seek its nourishment and medicine from the Divine court, which are guidance and teachings of the straight path. There is no doubt that the fruits of paradise are in the form of Divine guidance and knowledge. Thus, this prayer is taught by God, may His glory be glorified, to say: Guide us on the straight path, the path of those upon whom You have bestowed (Your) bounty. The purpose of this prayer here is to walk on the straight path and reach the ultimate destination, the example of which is found in the pure lives of the Prophets (anbiya), the truthful (siddiqin), the martyrs (shuhada) and the righteous (salihin) (4:69). For the straight path is their path and it is they upon whom, God, the Exalted, bestowed the bounty and health of soul and intellect. Thus those who obey them will also be in their companionship. In this prayer is also taught by God: Not the path of those who have earned Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray.
Further, in the light of the wise Qur’an, you may know who are the chosen ones, whom God by guiding on the straight path has granted the bounty of His wisdom-filled love? Yes, they are the Prophets, the truthful (siddiqin), the martyrs (shuhada') and the righteous (salihin) and among them can also be included those who follow God and the Prophet in true sense (4:69). But how can such a great feat be accomplished in one day? It requires continuous hard work and great sacrifices, so that the animal soul may die in a way, and as a result the holy love may be experienced.
Awliya' or friends of God, with respect to walayat, are alike, but with respect to prophethood and messengership, are in two groups. The first group is called Prophets and the second siddiqin (the truthful) (4:69). Whatever the Prophets have seen, the siddiqin also see it. And they, on the basis of the observation of the truth of certainty (haqqu'l-yaqin), testify and verify the Books brought by the Prophets and their miracles. Togetherness of the siddiqin with Prophets can also be seen from the fact that after them are the shuhada' (martyrs, witnesses) and after them are the salihin (the righteous) and finally the tabi`in, those who follow them (4:69). You may say that apart from the siddiqin and the Prophets, the rest mentioned above are also among the friends of God. You are quite right. But there are levels of friendship of God and hence the chosen friends of God are the Prophets and siddiqin, who have been mentioned above.
According to the people of insight, there is no doubt in the reality that the magnificent feat of spiritual death, which is full of spiritual secrets and treasures of recognition, has continued from the time of Hazrat Adam. First and foremost, this is the path of the Prophets and awliya' and then of those fortunate ones who follow their footsteps. Finally, in the ultimate destination (4:69), the Prophets (anbiya'), the truthful (siddiqin), the martyrs (shuhada'), the righteous (salihin), the obedient (muti`in) or the followers (tabi`in) in their respective order, live together in companionship.
In verse (4:69) there is the mention of those upon whom God has showered His favours rankwise, and the ranks are not odd, they are in pairs. For example, the Prophets (nabiyyin) and awliya' (siddiqin) are the spiritual parents of their respective communities. In this example, every Prophet is in the position of a father and every perfect wali in the position of a mother. For, the spiritual birth of mu'mins is from the womb (batn = batin = stomach) of walayat and the means of livelihood of religion are provided by the Prophethood, i.e., the exoteric and legal (shar`i) bounties are provided by the spiritual father.
Dhahib 2 (Salik (traveller) of the firm religion)
It is extremely difficult, but not impossible to reach the treasures of recognition walking in the footsteps of Prophets and Imams. This is why an extremely important and most special, wisdom-filled prayer is taught in the essential and fundamental teachings of Islam, which is: "(O Lord of honour!) Guide us on the right path, the path of those upon whom you have bestowed your bounties." (That is, the path of the Prophets, asases, imams and hujjats - 4:69).
The Divine sunnat (habit, law) is always the same, and there is no change in it. Similarly, the straight path is one and those who have walked on it and set an example (4:69) are also equal in spirituality and recognition of this path. The miracle of nawafil is specifically related to Prophets and awliya', because it is they who are the leaders and guides. Yet, what magnificent favours of God there are for those who walk on the straight path that, while the guide is the head and the followers are behind, together they observe the spiritual miracles and advance towards the final destination.
Note the wisdom-filled teachings of verses (1:5-6): "Guide us on the right path, the path of those upon whom You have continued to bestow (Your) bounties." This most special prayer is taught by God to His servants, in which is sought not only to follow Prophets and awliya' and attain spiritual progress, but also all those spiritual bounties (such as the observations of secrets) which are granted to them.
(19) The People whom God has favoured:
This straight path and the guidance on it, belongs to those whom God has favoured, and they comprise five groups: Nabiyyin (Prophets), siddiqin (truthful ones), shuhada’ (witnesses), salihin (righteous ones) and tabicin (followers) (see 4:69). That is natiqs, asases, imams, hujjats and dacis, whom God has favoured and these are the people who can guide others on the straight path. For, only those who themselves are guided can guide others. In this verse, the gist of which is given here, first are mentioned the nabiyyin i.e. natiqs, then the siddiqin i.e. asases, because for the affirmation of the tanzil of every natiq there is always a siddiq or asas, who through his ta’wil affirms the tanzil of the natiq. Then are mentioned the shuhada’, i.e. the imams. The imams are called shuhada’ or witnesses, because of the fact that each Imam is the witness over the people of his time and there has not been a time in which the Imam of the time was not present and a witness. Then are mentioned the salihin i.e. the hujjats. Salihin are the twelve hujjats on the surface of the earth, who, according to the guidance of the Imam of the time, improve (the conditions of the people of) the world. Then are mentioned the tabicin i.e. the dacis, who follow these four physical hudud and also invite the people to obey the Imam of the time and take baycat from them on his behalf.
So these are the people who are guided on the straight path and they are appointed by God to guide the people. Thus, people are taught to receive guidance from them and follow their path in this prayer, as the Qur’an says: “Sirata’lladhina ancamta calayhim = (Guide us on) the path of those whom You have favoured”.
Q114 Who are the best companions of the people of faith? Where can this companionship be? And how?
A114 They are the natiqs, asases, Imams and hujjats. This praiseworthy and unprecedented companionship is on the straight path (spiritual path) as well as in paradise. This companionship is also in the environment of luminous guidance, spiritual resurrection and permanent paradise, that is, step-by-step and stage-by-stage in the light of knowledge and wisdom (4:69).
You should note this secret with zeal and responsibility that, in the spiritual journey and the stages of ma`rifat when the stage of `Izra'il comes, a special tajaddud-i amthal of every Prophet and every wali (siddiq 4:69) starts to take place. Innumerable subtle bodies and angels are created by the command of God from the Holy Spirit which comes forth from them, and in the language of Qur’anic wisdom they are called sarabil (shirts,16:81).
This verse has been referred 30 times.