
Surah: 002 - Ayah: 087

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related refs 2:53, 5:110, 16:102, 58:22,

Help from the Holy Spirit:

Argument 5: You will come across numerous such verses in which it is mentioned that God helps His chosen servants through a special spirit of Him, particularly the verses:2:87, 2:53; 5:110; 16:102; 58:22. In the first three verses is mentioned that God used to help Hazrat Isa through the Holy Spirit, in the fourth is mentioned that the Holy Quraan was revealed to the blessed heart of the Prophet through the Holy Spirit and in the fifth is mentioned that God helps His party, i.e. the true mumins, through a special spirit of Him.
I think that sometimes questions are very useful in order to understand the subject better, so let us discuss this in the form of questions and answers.
Question: is it correct to hold the concept that the Holy Spirit or any other special spirit comes from the presence of God, without the mediation of the Holy Prophet and helps mumins, while the Prophet id God’s mercy for the whole world?
Answer: No, it is not correct. Such a spirit comes through the Universal mercy, namely, the Prophet and through his prayer. Rather, a secret should be disclosed here that the Holy Prophet id the centre of God’s mercy. For the fountainhead of this light is not inanimate and irrational like that of the external and material sun. it has the Holy Spirit and the Perfect Intellect. When this light illumines or casts light in the heart of a mumin, it has the particles of spirit and intellect. This fact or event is expressed in the language of tanzil (exoteric aspect of the Quraan) that a mumin or mumins were helped by a special spirit which was of God.
In this book, where it is mentioned that the mumins were helped by the descent of the angles, it does not mean that that this happens without or independently of the light of Prophethood and Imamat. It means that there is a great centre of the unity of the angles and spirits, which is called Nur-I Muhammadi or the Light of Muhammad (s.a.s). And it is this light which has the rank of eminence of Divine closeness. Otherwise, God is free from the concept of time and space. Thus “wa-ayyadahum bi-ruhin minhu (and He helped them through a spirit of Him) “ (58:22) means that God hepled them through the Light of Mustafa and Murtaza.

Ya ali Madad 10-11

This verse has been referred 1 times.