
Surah: 005 - Ayah: 110

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It is among the realities of the Qur'an, that in Hazrat Isa, was manifesting the same Divine Spirit, which was breathed into Hazrat Adam, and which manifests from the Divine Word. Thus, from the following verse, you can realize what kind of miracles manifest from the Perfect Men into whom, the Divine or Holy Spirit is breathed. See the verse: "When Allah will say: 0 Isa, son of Maryam! Remember My favour unto thee and thy mother; how I helped thee with Holy Spirit, so that thou speakest unto mankind in the cradle and in maturity, and how 1 taught thee the Book and Wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and how thou didst shape of clay as it were the likeness of a bird by My permission, (idhn), and didst breathe into it and it was a bird by My permission, and thou didst heal him who was born blind and the leper by My permission and how thou didst raise the dead (from the graves), by My permission." (5:110).
The tawil of the above-mentioned miracles of Hazrat Isa is as follows:
When the luminous birth of Hazrat Isa took place in the personal world of the hudud-i din, he started to speak immediately in their personal world. This continued and when he became mature, he started to show the spiritual miracles in their personal world. The Book or al-kitab is that living light whose signs (ayat) are the Pen, the Tablet and the Writing (raqim). This Book contains the profound wisdom (hikmat-i balighah) and all heavenly Books.
Hazrat Isa was giving lsm-i a zam to the hudud-i din. One Qur'anic name of ism-i azam is "idhn Allah (permission of God)", through which at the place of Izrail (maqam-i Izrail), his personality was being used as a shape and a mould and the Holy Spirit was cast into it, as a result of which an angel like him used to come into existence and fly.
To heal a born blind person, means to bring to the straight path, someone who has lost it, and to give him the inner eye by the permission of God. By leper is meant someone who has remained for a long time in the initial light of spirituality and he does not realise that its real stages are still further, and particularly someone who has seen this light without the guidance of the Imam of the time. Hazrat Isa used to help such people to go towards the stages of spirituality. This is the ta'wil of healing a leper. The tawil of raising the dead from graves, is that, when Hazrat Isa was passing through the personal resurrection, the particles of soul used to resurrect from the living grave-yards of the human beings and come towards him.

Precious Treasures 78

Hazrat Isa was the spiritual physician in his time. One of his great miracles was to revive the dead physically or spiritually, or in both ways (5:110). But with every prayer with which he used to revive them, he used to say “bi-idhni'llah (by the leave of God)”. This shows that, no matter how excellent the prayer or the medicine may be, unless the fresh soul of permission comes from the malakut, no pain or disease can be cured.

Book of Healing (200)

Further most of the verses which are revealed about Hazrat cῙsᾱ are addressed as “cῙsᾱ ibn Maryam (Jesus, the son of Mary)”. This maternal relationship of Hazrat cῙsᾱ has been made prominent only as a commendation that both mother and son used to live purely with the Holy Spirit, through which they were receiving all spiritual bounties from God. As the Qur’ᾱn says: :when Allah said: o cῙsᾱ, son of Maryam! Remember My favour unto you and unto your mother; when I aided you with the Holy Spirit.” (5:110)

Pir Nasir Khusraw and Spirituality (19)

This verse has been referred 7 times.