
Surah: 002 - Ayah: 275

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related refs 41:30, 72:16, 83:6

Q80 Is there the meaning of resurrection (qiyamah) in these words: yaqumu (2:275; 83:6), yaqumun (2:275) and istaqamu (72:16)? How?

A80 The infinitive al-qiyamah, which means to stand up, that is, to revive after death, is from the root letters qaf, waw and mim. The above-mentioned words are derived from this infinitive and thus they are linked to resurrection. However, resurrection is of two kinds: one is caused by spiritual death and the other by physical death, as said in verse (72:16): “If they had remained straight on the Way (i.e. if they would have died and revived in the destination of tariqat), We would have given them to drink of water in abundance (i.e. We would have given them abundant knowledge)”. This verse, like verse (41:30) also contains extremely wondrous revolutionary wisdoms.

Casket of Perals 1 (40)

Also a key wisdom in this regard is hidden in this verse: “those who swallow usury cannot rise up (on the day of resurrection) save as he arises who the satan has made dumfounded by (his) touch. That is because they say: trade is just like usury; whereas Allah permits trading and forbids usury” (2:275). The gist of the tawil of this verse is that all Quranic examples are ultimately focused on one centre. Thus the true knowledge which is given as a result of obedience to the light of guidance if like trade which God has permitted and the knowledge which people acquire without this obedience is like usury which God has forbidden. This is the knowledge because of which their senses will not be able to work in the resurrection, like a dumfounded person by the touch of the Satan. Thus it should be remembered that although the Satan is free (to mislead people) but this freedom also comes under a law, according to which the sincere servants of God are protected from his evil.

Pearl Of Marifat (Part 1) 17

This verse has been referred 3 times.