Caskets of Pearls Vol. 1 - Casket of Pearls 12
Casket of Pearls 12
Tags: Paradise, Surat-i Rahman, Companionship, Throne, Kiram, Grave, Spiritual Battle, Resurrection, Fath, Victory. Straight Path, God's Love
Q111 If no bounty is impossible in paradise, is it possible for an inmate of it to see himself as Adam as well as one of the angels who prostrated to him?
A111 Why not? Read verse (7:11) carefully because it indicates that the story of Adam is the story of all individuals. During the spiritual resurrection, when every soul (angel) in the form of a particle was falling down prostrating to him, it was coming out as one of his countless copies. Thus, it is a fact that every bounty is available in paradise and the purpose of the resurrection, which occurs to the kamils, is to create a new paradise.
Q112 It is said in a hadith: "You cannot be a complete faqih until you see the Qur'an from many aspects".25 What does "many aspects" in this hadith mean?
A112 By many aspects is meant that Qur'anic teachings are according to the varying strata of people. According to another hadith it has many aspects: "The Qur'an is a tractable thing with many aspects, so interpret it according to the best aspect".26
Q113 What is the ta'wili wisdom of verse (4:125): "And who is better in religion than one who submits his face to God and he is also a doer of good"?
A113 The ta'wili wisdom of this verse is that he who submitted his spiritual face to God, merged himself in surat-i Rahman. This is the following of the religion of Abraham (May peace be through him), who had said: "I have set my face to God" (6:80), i.e. I merged myself in the surat-i Rahman. In verse (31:22) God says: "And he who submits his (spiritual) face to God and is also a doer of good, has got hold of the most firm handle." It is also said about the holy Prophet: "So if they dispute with you, say: I have submitted my [spiritual] face to God and so have those who follow me." (3:20)
Q114 Who are the best companions of the people of faith? Where can this companionship be? And how?
A114 They are the natiqs, asases, Imams and hujjats. This praiseworthy and unprecedented companionship is on the straight path (spiritual path) as well as in paradise. This companionship is also in the environment of luminous guidance, spiritual resurrection and permanent paradise, that is, step-by-step and stage-by-stage in the light of knowledge and wisdom (4:69).
Q115 What is the relationship of ranks with the Throne in verse (40:15): "[God] is the Exalter of ranks and the Lord of the Throne"?
A115 The relationship is that whomever God wills, He raises him up to the Throne and He can also give him the rank of the Throne or its bearer, because the Throne is His creature.
Q116 It is mentioned in verses (82:10-11): "And verily over you there are recording (and guardian angels), noble scribes." Please tell us whether the scribes are two or more? Further, are the meanings of "karim" and "karam" also implied in the word "kiram" or not?
A116 These angels are two as well as many more, because in their place many angels come and go in turns. For the meanings of the word "kiram", which has many excellent meanings, see al-Munjid.
Q117 You say that the human soul is not in the physical grave. In that case, where are all those graves mentioned in the Qur'an and the hadith?
A117 The physical grave is a symbol and the real grave of the soul is in the personal world. Therefore in all those shar`i (related to the shari`at or revealed law) matters, which are related to the dead body (mayyit) there are important ta'wils, which you can study in the books of ta'wil.
Q118 In verses (9:33; 48:28; 61:9) God says: "It is He who has sent His Messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religions, even though the idolaters may be averse." The question here is that when will Islam, which is the Religion of Truth, prevail over all the religions of the world according to this Divine promise?
A118 The prevalence and victory of the True Religion has continued by the spiritual battle of the resurrection. That is, according to verse (17:71) the resurrection has been taking place through the Imam of every time in which he, as the successor of the holy Prophet, accomplishes the sacred duty of the spiritual battle and due to which the Religion of Truth continues and prevails every time over false religions. The renewal of this spiritual victory has been repeated approximately 49 times [in the sixth cycle, i.e. the cycle of the holy Prophet Muhammad (May Allah send blessings and peace through him and his progeny)].
Q119 When did the chain of the above-mentioned spiritual victories of Islam start and what is its Qur'anic proof?
A119 With respect to the sixth cycle, the first inner resurrection and spiritual victory took place in the time of the holy Prophet, which is mentioned prominently in the surah of Fath (Victory, 48). The first proof of it is the open victory (48:1), which is the universal spiritual victory of the Religion of nature, i.e. Islam in the form of the result of resurrection and the subjugation of the universe. By closely studying this surah it becomes evident that in it, particularly in verse (48:28), there are allusions to the resurrection, spiritual battle and universal victory. This spiritual victory of the holy Prophet is also mentioned in surah (110:1-2) in these words: "(O Messenger!) When the help of Allah came and (spiritual) victory began to take place, you saw the people entering the Religion of God (i.e. your personality) in groups (in the form of particles)."
Q120 It is said in verse (3:31): "Say (O Messenger): If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Verily, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." Is there a condition of following the Prophet? Is the straight path the name of this following? What and where is the ultimate destination of the straight path? Is it correct to say in the light of the Qur'an and hadith that there is the greatest success for whoever has the perfect love and affection for God, the Prophet and the Imam?
A120 To follow the Imam of the time is a pre-requisite to follow the holy Prophet. Yes, it is true that to follow the Prophet is the straight path and its ultimate destination is the recognition of God and that is in the personal world. Yes, it is absolutely true that the greatest success is love for God, the Prophet and the Imam of the time.
25 Jalalu'd-Din Suyuti, al-Itqan fi `ulumi'l-Qur'an, ed. M. A. Ibrahim (Cairo, n.d.), IV, 32.
26 Ibid., IV, 184.
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