
Surah: 004 - Ayah: 174

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related refs 5:15, 16:89

In this verse, the word ''furqan" is used in at least two senses - as the Qur'an, and as the Word of light (kalimah-i nur). As for the status of the Qur'an, it is known to all, and therefore, here the Word of light will be explained to some extent. The Word of light is mentioned in verses (4:174) and (5:15) of the holy Qur'an, and this light is undoubtedly the Prophet himself and his true successor. Thus, in connection with the spiritualism and gnosis of this light of the true guide, comes a word, which is abounding in wisdom and which is called kalimah-i nur, which is repeated in the blessed voice of the Perfect Man. This same Word (,kalimah), in the personal or individual spiritualism of a mu'min, is the miracle of the Furqan, i.e., the researcher and investigator in the matters of knowledge and wisdom, and is the greatest sign of the True Guide's light. This is why it is called the Word of light (kalimah-i nur).

Spiritual Secrets 7

The holy Qur’an which is the last book of the Lord of the world is the compendium of everything (16:89). All the teachings and guidance of [the levels of] sharicat, tariqat, haqiqat and macrifat are mentioned in it. It is tanzil as well as ta’wil, it is manifest as well as hidden, it is knowledge as well as wisdom, it is the fruit as well as its kernel. Therefore, not only are the commands relating to the past mentioned in its exterior and interior, in fact it does not lack guidance for the present and the future. However, to see and understand all these things human beings require the Divine light, which is always present in this world along with the Qur’an (4:174).

Treasure of Knowledge (20)

This verse has been referred 2 times.