
Surah: 005 - Ayah: 064

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related refs 31:16

Divine grace and benevolence, generosity and munificence are such that the Divine Hand is open (5:64) and reaches everything everywhere in the heavens and the earth. This shows that there is a kind of soul even in those things which are apparently called inanimate, as it is said in verse (31:16): “O my son! Though it be but the weight of a grain of mustard-seed, even though it is in (the heart of) a rock, or (high above) in the heaven or (deep down) in the earth, God will bring it forth”. Here by the mustard-seed is meant the soul, which exists even in things such as stone, space and the earth.

Book of Healing (199)

Yadan (Both hands)

It is said in verse (5:64): "And the Jews say: The hand of Allah is tied up! Tied be their own hands, and damned be they for saying what they say! Nay, both His hands are widely outstretched, He expends as He pleases." In the spiritual world the two hands of God are the Universal Intellect and the Universal Soul, and in the physical world they are the natiq and asas and after them the Imam and hujjat.

Thousand Wisdoms 976 (508)

If we examine the mineral kingdom, we will see such scenarios of life cultivated by God, that they will compel us to believe that there is the effect of soul in everything, which manifests everywhere in various forms. It is called the supreme and universal soul, and it is this soul, which as the ocean of mercy, has immersed the entire universe in its unfathomable depth. Its hidden radiation comes from the azure ceiling (i.e. the heaven). It is the hand of God which can reach everywhere and can dispense the way it wants to (5:64). The mercy of the worlds (rahmat i alamin) and the Muhammadan Light (nur i Muhammad) are the names of this supreme soul.

Balance of Realities (43)

This verse has been referred 5 times.