Book of Healing - Healing Through Knowledge - Secrets of Malakut and Medicine
Secrets of Malakut and Medicine
Tags: Malakut, Medicine, Guidance, Turja`un
1. Malakut is mentioned in four places in the wise Qur'an, which are : 6:75, 7:185, 23:88 and 36:83. Malakut means a magnificent kingdom, sovereignty, rule, the world of angels, angels and the place of spirit and spirituality. This title of "Secrets of Malakut and Medicine" begs the question: How can the ma`rifat of the secrets of the magnificent kingdom of God, the Exalted, be attained? Is there any link between medicine and sovereignty and the rule of God, Who is the Creator, Master and King of the universe and the existents? If so, how?
2. When man recognizes himself, he also recognises the Sustainer of the universe, and in this recognition, there is the recognition of the secrets of malakut as well. As for the question regarding medicine and its factors: Does it have any link with the law of the malakut or not? The answer is that if the kingdom and sovereignty of everything in the heavens and the earth is in the Hand of God (23:88; 36:83), then how can medicine be excluded from this universal law? Thus from this simple logic, it is as clear as broad daylight, whether someone is aware of this secret of malakut or not, that medicine cannot show its effectiveness without Divine permission always and every time.
3. The efficient power or soul which exists in every kind of medicinal herb and in every kind of medicine is only for a fixed time, and when the soul leaves it, it becomes ineffective. Thus we have to check whether an effective soul of its kind exists or not in every medicine, since there is no cure or healing in soul-less medicine. Similarly, this Qur'anic secret should be mentioned here that it is necessary for the soul of malakut and the world of command to be in both prayer and medicine. Without this, neither is prayer accepted nor does medicine become effective and useful.
4. Here, it is very appropriate if someone asks for the sake of knowledge and awareness: What is meant by the soul of malakut and the world of command? The answer is that, when something is brought down to this world from the Divine treasures of malakut and the world of command (15:21), and is given a physical form, not only is the spiritual film of its story in the higher world being recorded in the Universal Guarded Tablet, but its descent and every event in the physical world is also amended, if God wills (13:39). This subtle and non-material picture, which is living, is the soul of everything, which is generally understood. The upper end of this soul is in the Hand of God (23:88, 36:83) and the lower is linked to a thing of this world. Now if the Master of mulk (kingdom) and malakut (i.e. God) by His holy command, causes a fresh spiritual current to run from the upper end of the soul to its lower end, then this is the soul of malakut and the world of command, which works in the soul as an additional or new soul.
5. The Sustainer of the world is the True Lord and the Absolute Sovereign. He can spread as well as seize (2:245) the soul of permission (idhn) and healing in anything of the world of prayers and medicines. For, the power of seizing and spreading of the universe and all its small and big things are in His Hand (39:67, 21:104), and it is He Who gives a kingdom to whom He wills, and takes it away from whom He pleases (3:26). Thus in order to enrich and improve his profession with the blessings of Islam, it is extremely necessary for every Muslim physician and religious doctor to have, not only verbal conviction of Heavenly help, but he should also attain the success, guidance, help and support of God, the Exalted, through complete piety, knowledge and good deeds, so that by the grace of God, he may attain success and honour in both the worlds.
6. At this point, I would like to answer a question before being asked it, which is that two kinds of people live in this world: the religious and the non-religious. Those who have a religion, particularly Muslims, although they want the betterment of both this world and the next (2:201), give preference to the next world over this world (17:18-21). Therefore, the people of faith seek help from God, may He be blessed and exalted, not only in religious matters but also in worldly matters. This is according to the teachings of Islam, for, even the worldly progress of Muslims is conditional on piety, fear of God, knowledge and good deeds. Whereas for the non-believers there is respite (73:11), therefore, the world is given to them without any religious conditions.
7. Divine grace and benevolence, generosity and munificence are such that the Divine Hand is open (5:64) and reaches everything everywhere in the heavens and the earth. This shows that there is a kind of soul even in those things which are apparently called inanimate, as it is said in verse (31:16): "O my son! Though it be but the weight of a grain of mustard-seed, even though it is in (the heart of) a rock, or (high above) in the heaven or (deep down) in the earth, God will bring it forth". Here by the mustard-seed is meant the soul, which exists even in things such as stone, space and the earth.
8. The brightest proof of the fact that, each and every particle is illumined by the light of the soul is that, all the things of the heavens and the earth are immersed in the light of God externally and internally (24:35). According to this concept, it becomes certain that every creature and everything is immersed in the ocean of light. Thus in view of this wisdom-filled light-verse, every individual and everything has a simultaneous link with two souls. One is the individual soul and the other is the collective, i.e. the Universal Soul, just as in a huge fire there are many cinders. There is no doubt in the unity and integrity of the fire, but at the same time there are different cinders within it. Thus, whatever is in the fold of the Universal Soul, it inevitably dissolves in this eternal light and becomes soul, as when a thing is thrown into a huge fire, it instantly turns into fire.
9. Nonetheless, nobody, by merely understanding the above bright example, can become the light which is ordained for the rank of humanity. For, this is only knowledge and we have not yet discussed good deeds at all. By the command of God the smoke of the personal world (microcosm) turns into the heaven of light, only when the believing mu'min strictly practises the commandments of religion (41:11). The way the creation of the universe is mentioned in the Qur'an has a double meaning. First God, the Supreme Creator, created the macrocosm, and the second meaning is that, by His command and ta'yid (help), spiritual construction and progress was made in the microcosm and the heaven was created.
10. Hazrat `Isa was the spiritual physician in his time. One of his great miracles was to revive the dead physically or spiritually, or in both ways (5:110). But with every prayer with which he used to revive them, he used to say "bi-idhni'llah (by the leave of God)". This shows that, no matter how excellent the prayer or the medicine may be, unless the fresh soul of permission comes from the malakut, no pain or disease can be cured.
11. There is no doubt that God is the light of guidance for all creatures and things of the heavens and the earth (24:35), but since the existents are not equal, there are different levels of guidance according to their state and need. Thus, with respect to two great divisions of guidance, there is the voluntary guidance for man, and involuntary or forced guidance for the other creatures. Then in the subsidiary divisions of guidance, there is generative guidance for the minerals, the guidance of growth for vegetables, the sensory guidance for animals, and the conscious or rational guidance for human beings. Nonetheless, at every level of guidance, there is a dire need of fresh currents, and this is the central and pivotal point of this subject.
12. In all the surahs of the glorious Qur'an, in their beginning and end there are Openings (fawatih, sing. fatihah) and Endings (khawatim, sing. khatimah). The attributive name of "Ya-Sin" is the "Heart of the Qur'an". Regarding the effects of the Surah-yi Ya-Sin, see the effects of the Qur'an in al-Ittiqan (IV, 141-42) and attain great benefits from it. The Ending of this Surah is: "Therefore, glory be to Him in Whose hand is the kingdom (malakut) of all things, and to Him you are caused to return (turja`un)" (36:83). Since this is the Ending of the "Heart of the Qur'an", therefore, gems of great wisdoms are gathered in it, and there is also medicine and healing for both the body and the soul in it. Reflect carefully about what does not exist in the Hand of God, while all intellectual, spiritual and material things are in His hand and in His power! It should be remembered that "turja`un" is a passive aorist, therefore it implies two kinds of return (ruju`), namely after death and during this life. That is, causing to return to God is not only after death, but also in this life there are many things which cause the mu'min to return to God, such as diseases, difficulties, knowledge, bandagi, repentance, good deeds, love of God, etc.
Nasir al-Din Nasir Hunzai
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