
Surah: 006 - Ayah: 092

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related refs 38:29

Mubarak (Blessed)

The holy Qur’an is the treasure of the good and the beauty of God and the centre of His gifts and bounties (6:92). It is necessary to repeatedly reflect upon its verses because their spiritual and intellectual blessings never cease (38:29). The inner blessings of the silent Qur'an are attained when a fortunate mu'min recognises the speaking Qur'an, because he is its light and teacher.

Thousand Wisdoms 792 (417)

Q.4 Why is it that the Imam lives in the west? Why does he not live in the east?
A. there are numerous wisdoms hidden in the Imam’s living in the west. One of them is that the Imam in the present time should live in a country where he can be internationally prominent and work effectively for Islam and Ismailism. There are numerous evidence which prove the fact that the family of the Imamat, while living in the west, has accomplished great deeds in the interest of the Muslims.
The second wisdom is that the city where the prophet was sent is makka, to which the Quran gives the title of Ummal Qura (The mother of cities) (6:92). This means that the Imam has to live in a great country among a powerful nation to influence the entire world. And there are many such other wisdoms.

Pearl Of Marifat (Part 1) 11

This verse has been referred 2 times.