
Surah: 038 - Ayah: 029

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related refs 41:10, 41:53, 20-21,

Signs relate not only to eye or ear, but also to each of the external and internal senses. Had it not been so, God would not have invited people to reflect upon the signs (ayat) which are in the zahir and batin of the Qur'an and in the external and internal worlds (38:29; 41:53; 51:20-21). Thus given that numerous Qur'anic verses shed light on the special importance of reflection, it clearly follows that everything in the universe and existent, in its special symbolic language, has something to say to man. Thus, symbolic language is an irrefutable fact, which no wise person can deny.

Rubies and Pearls 52

There are four places in the holy Qur’an, where it is called blessed. In one of these places, it is also alluded that, in order to attain the blessings of the Qur’an, it is necessary to reflect and ponder on it (38:29). Just as some of the blessings of the mountains are obtained from the surface and some from its depth, similarly, there are all kinds of blessings in the holy Qur’an, including spiritual medicine.

Book of Healing (29)

If a fortunate Muslim attains an experience of spirituality, then this bounty, wealth, guidance, knowledge, wisdom and gnosis is due to the external and internal blessings of the Qur’an. For, among the names of the Qur’an, one name is “Mubarak” (38:29), which means blessed Book. The essential prerequisite of attaining Qur’anic blessings is that the people of wisdom should reflect upon it (38:29). He who loves the beauty of the meaning of the Qur’an, should understand the examples of its blessings properly. The material example of a blessing (barakat) is a thing which continues for ever and never ceases, such as the resources of a huge mountain which always continue, namely, the constant flow of water, the perpetual growth of trees and herbs, the chain of the beasts of prey, abundance of minerals, etc. (41:10).

Book of Healing (179)

This verse has been referred 5 times.