
Surah: 007 - Ayah: 026

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related refs 7:27, 22:30, 6:76, 27:60, 15:21, 18:19

The poor human intellect is astonished by the magnitude of the wonders and marvels of knowledge of the wise Qur'an. Thus among the many other sciences in the Qur'an, there is also the science of the interpretation of dreams. For instance, to be dressed in nice and clean clothes, shows taqwa (7:26), whereas to wear dirty or tattered clothes, or to be naked, shows the absence of taqwa (7:27); to see pollution alludes to idolatry (22:30); to see the stars, the moon and the sun shows advancing towards the destination of tawhid (6:76-79); to see a garden is a sign of knowledge and spiritual progress (27:60) and to see precious stones or coins, is an allusion to the precious pearls of knowledge and wisdom (15:21; 18:19).

Book of Healing (62)

Libas (Garment, raiment, attire)

See verse (7:26): "O children of Adam! We have sent down to you a garment to cover your shameful parts and garments of adornment (rish=subtle body), and the garment of piety (libasu’t-taqwa) is best." In this verse, three kinds of garments are mentioned: the external garment, the garment of the subtle body, and the garment of the subtle soul or the garment of piety, which is the best.

If one of us sees a dream in which he is attired in clean clothes, this is a sign of "the garment of piety". Contrary to this, torn or dirty clothes and nudity are a sign of the absence of piety.

Thousand Wisdoms 770 (406)

At the beginning of the third rukuc of surah-yi Acraf (7) it is said that piety is the best attire of a mu’min’s soul, which means that the spiritual characteristic of piety acts as an attire for the soul. [O children of Adam(c)! We have sent down to you a garment to cover your shameful parts and garments of adornment, and the garment of piety (libasu’t-taqwa) is best (7:26)]. Thus, it should always be remembered that when a person sees himself naked or wearing torn clothes in a dream, he should understand this spiritual signal that he has become the victim of religious impiety. Contrary to this if he sees himself in fine clothes in the world of dream or in the luminous world of imagination, it means that his piety is symbolized by the fine clothing.

Treasure of Knowledge (12)

This verse has been referred 4 times.