Surah: 008 - Ayah: 011
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Another verse in this connection is: "When He made the slumber (nuas) fall upon you as the state of satisfaction and fearlessness and sent down water from the sky upon you, that thereby He may purify you, and remove frran you the filth of Satan, and make strong your hearts and firm (your) feet thereby." (8:11). Here also nuas is the wisdom-filled dream, namely, spirituality, water is knowledge and filth is doubt and disturbing thoughts
When true mu mins, following the straight path, enter the first door of spirituality, it becomes very easy for them to cause upon themselves a state like that of peaceful sleep and to stop the interference of the external senses during special 'ibadat, so that they forget everything, including themselves, except the Divine remembrance. Such a wisdom-filled sleep is a Divine mercy and is mentioned in the Qur'anic words like nu 'as (3:154; 8:11) and subat (25:47; 78:9).
In the battle of Badr and the battle of Uhud, some of the companions of the Prophet had experienced this sleep, which is mentioned as “nu`as (slumber, 8:11; 3:154)”. This was not an ordinary kind of sleep. They used to have glimpses of the miraculous sleep and the given knowledge. And it was due to this that they used to have peace. Study the relevant noble verses carefully.
"When He made the slumber (nu'as) fall upon you as the state of satisfaction and fearlessness and sent down water from the sky upon you, that thereby He may purify you, and remove from you the filth of Satan, and make strong (yarbita) your hearts and firm (your) feet thereby (8:11).
Here, the word nu'as is the wisdom-filled dream, namely, spirituality; water is knowledge and filth is doubt and disturbing thoughts (waswash); tieing (rabt) is firmly establishing of the ism-i a'zam in the heart and firm footing is advancing in dhikr without slipping. It should be remembered that this spirituality of the real mu'mins is related to the battle of Badr. One of the implications of this verse is that spiritual progress results from accomplishing dangerous religious tasks like jihad. The second is that the spirituality is compared with the sleep. And the third is that the sleep suspends the external senses and thereby the link with the non-spatial world is established.
This verse has been referred 4 times.