Book of Healing - Spiritual Healing - `Izra'ili Wisdom
`Izra'ili Wisdom
Tags: Hazrat `Izra'il, Spiritual death, Death, Nu`as
1. Meaningful questions: Have you thought about Hazrat `Izra'il (a.s.) and his army in the wise Qur'an? Explain the difference between spiritual death and physical death? In what kind of death is the recognition of Hazrat `Izra'il and other angels possible? What state is called the partial death? What does the glorious Qur'an say about sleep? If sleep is death, what kind of death is it, spiritual or physical? Is spiritual martyrdom mentioned in the holy Qur'an? If so, in which surah and which verse? Is there one angel of death for all, or does each person have his personal one? In what sense is `Izra'il a guardian angel (mu'akkal) over every human being (32:11)?
2. Is it true that sleep is a kind of death, and that therefore, the mu'akkal who causes sleep is `Izra'il (a.s.) and nobody else? To whom is the work of awakening entrusted? Is it Hazrat Israfil? How does Hazrat `Izra'il seize the soul of someone and what is the role of his army? How is the soul of those who die in accidents seized? Does the death of animals also occur under the supervision of Hazrat `Izra'il? Is it true that a successful mu'min, who walks on the spiritual path (salik), can observe his spiritual death in detail, in the stage of Hazrat `Izra'il?
3. My dears, you may have studied the subject of "" in "Qur'anic Healing" minutely and with the understanding of allusions. Since it is an extremely important subject, therefore, read it once again so that you may have a better understanding of "`Izra'ili Wisdom". This is because there are countless benefits for mu'mins in understanding the secrets of Hazrat `Izra'il. For instance, is it not astonishing to know that in every person there is a copy of Hazrat `Izra'il, which is called the power of `Izra'il? It is the power by which wise people kill the germs within themselves. Disturbing thoughts can be called germs, and they can only be eradicated by the power of `Izra'il, which in reality is brought into action by Divine remembrance. Undoubtedly, the same power can destroy other germs as well, for wherever there may be destruction and whatever it may be, it is the work of 'Izra'il (a.s.). This is a very comprehensive answer to the question.
4. The sun, in reality, is one in heaven, but on earth, one can see as many suns as there are mirrors. Thus, though Hazrat `Izra'il is only one in the higher world, yet his living pictures, which are unique in efficacy and activity, are in all people. Thus, in this sense, Hazrat `Izra'il or the angel of death is mu'akkal and appointed over every person. This means that Hazrat `Izra'il does not only wait for the day of our death in order to seize our soul, but he has many other functions to perform as well, for instance, to impose sleep upon us at the time of rest and to erase disturbing thoughts during dhikr. He raises the dhikr or ism-i a`zam of the dhakir (one who does dhikr) from the heart to the forehead (brain), to affix the kalimah-yi taqwa (word of piety), the act of sanctification and purification, to spread the soul of the body (badani ruh) in the universe and to cast the Universal Soul in the body, to seize the soul of germs or diseases, etc.
5. Study verses (41:30-31) carefully, in which the angels descend upon those mu'mins who recognise God. However, this great bliss is not attainable before the stage of `Izra'il is reached on the spiritual path. For, the door of malakut opens to a mu'min only when he experiences spiritual death. It should be noted that, on this occasion, other Archangels and their armies also work alongside.
6. After the translation and exegesis of verses (79:1-5), consider their ta'wili aspect as well: "By the angels who pull the soul by sinking (in every cell), and by the angels who untie the knot of the soul (i.e. in the human body, one end of the soul is free, which becomes independent in dreams and the other is tied to the body, due to which it cannot leave the body), and by those angels who take the soul and fly with the tasbih, then they take the soul beyond space and time, then they submit it to the disposal (tadbir) of the azali command (amr-i azal), i.e. at that height, the renewal of similitudes (tajaddud-i amthal) takes place, for the allusion of the disposal of command is towards the renewal of the word "Be (kun)".
7. There can hardly be a Muslim who would deny that the holy Qur'an is a Paradise of knowledge and wisdom. Indeed, in it there are all the bounties of their own kind and among them is the sealed wine (rahiq-i makhtum) as well (83:25), which gives the fragrance of musk to the nose of the soul (83:26). Thus there is a blessed verse (15:21): "And there is not a thing but with Us are its treasures, and We do not send it down but in a known measure", which, in brief, means that there is everything in the Divine treasures. The more one knows about these treasures, the more things come down to him from there. Nonetheless, the observation of azal and its secrets, is the greatest revolution in this connection. Since this experience takes place in the personal world which is the earth of the spiritual ranks, therefore, it is included and counted among those things which descend from the pre-eternal Divine treasures. A pleasant point should be remembered here that, the miracle of the renewal of azal brings to an end all those questions and confusions which are related to time.
8. In the above-mentioned Divine treasures, there are also several alchemic prescriptions for every disease and among them, one special prescription is "`Izra'ili Wisdom". Thus, after every salat, by reciting the tasbih of Fatimah (may peace be on her), you should think that, by the command of God, `Izra'il (a.s.) and his army are pulling out the diseases of your body and soul and with this the germs are also exterminated. The blessed tasbih is: Allahu Akbar (thirty three times), al-Hamdu li'llah (33 times), Subhana'llah (33 times) and La ilaha illa'llah (once). (Da`a'im, I, 168).
9. Hazrat `Izra'il's vocal existence is a self-repeating Supreme Name (ism-i a`zam), which is also the kalimah-yi taqwa mentioned in verse (48:26). Thus, when spiritual death occurs to a mu'min, `Izra'il (a.s.) constantly recites the above-mentioned Supreme Name in his left ear and his army, who are in spiritual particles, enter the countless cells of his body and take the soul out by way of the head, but the very end of the soul remains linked with the brain. Then the soul from the Universal Soul is cast in the mould of his body. This act (i.e. the renewal of similitudes of the seizure of the soul) is repeated for approximately 180 hours, in which the other angels also take part, particularly Hazrat Israfil.
10. How can pain, disease, germ, bacterium, virus or cancer stand before the power of Hazrat `Izra'il and Hazrat Israfil, who wiped out the powerful nations that were utterly disobedient, from the surface of the earth? But we are compelled to say that there is a great scarcity of knowledge, certainty and spirituality in us, otherwise, this curative method would have been the most sought after in the entire world. Nonetheless, there is no despondency, since now there is the expected arrival of spiritual science.
11. When a person suffers from a severe disease, he suffers from acute pain day and night. But when he falls asleep, he is relieved to a great extent. The cause of this is nothing other than the fact that Hazrat `Izra'il has seized his soul for a while during sleep (39:42) and with it the soul of disease or germs is also temporarily taken out. This shows that every disease has its soul, which is controlled only by Hazrat `Izra'il.
12. Reflect carefully on the Qur'anic wisdom of the word "nu`as (3:154; 8:11), which literally speaking, means drowsiness and slumber, but God had made it a peaceful miracle for mu'mins in the battle of Badr and the battle of Uhud. Thus, a fortunate person, who fights against his carnal soul in the path of God, will see not only nu`as and the miracles of Hazrat `Izra'il, but more than that, the personal world of spirituality will be revealed to him, in which all those spiritual and intellectual bounties are available, which are mentioned and promised in the glorious Qur'an.
Tuesday, 16 Jumada I, 1409
27th December, 1988.
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