
Surah: 016 - Ayah: 049

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related refs 17:44, 16:49, 24:41, 28:57,

See in the light of the verses related to prostration, particularly, verse (16:49), that everything in the heaven and the earth prostrates to God, the Exalted. By prostration, whether we mean obedience or the prostration itself, in either sense and in any state, the atom prostrates in the form of circumambulation. A bright proof from the Wise Qur'an of the fact that the basic act of everything is the same, but it has different examples, is: In one example, it is said that in the universe and the existents, there is not a thing which does not glorify Him (17:44); in another example, it is said that everything prostrates to Him (16:49); in a third, it is said that all know their prayer (namaz--salat) and their tasbth (24:41); and in a fourth example, it is said that all things are like the fruits of the spiritual Kabah (28:57). In short, just as everything prostrates to God, the atom too prostrates to Him in its inner state, which is in the form of rotation and circumambulation.

Sweet Smelling 76

It is certain that when material science will progress and join spiritual science, then all diseases will cease to exist in the world of humanity. Why not, while all the things of the heavens and the earth prostrate to and obey God (16:49)? Thus, diseases can be controlled by spiritual science and the remembrance of God, which is included in spiritual science. For, if science means knowledge and wisdom, how can Qur’anic wisdom not be spiritual science?

Book of Healing (204)

This verse has been referred 5 times.