
Surah: 016 - Ayah: 078

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related refs 23:78, 32:9, 67:23

Q168 One of the Qur’anic names of the heart is “fu’ad (pl. af’idah)”. Why is the heart named so and what is its ta’wil?

A168 It is derived from the root letters fa’, hamzah and dal and it is so called because of its tafa’’ud, which means to burn, burn up, burn brightly or fiercely, blaze or flame; heat, fever, ardour. It is therefore not surprising if it contains an analogy of the fire of heavenly love and the light of recognition. Certainly this is the case, because the purpose of the Qur’an is that man may actualise his potential and worship God with utmost love. When a true mu’min kindles his heart like a candle with knowledge, good deeds and true love, God will one day grant him a luminous heart [fu’ad = qalb]. This miraculous heart is the Imam of the time, whom the lover used to believe in and recognises with heart and soul. This is the ta’wil of fu’ad.

Q169 In which verse or verses is such a ta’wil found?

A169 The verses in which such a ta’wil is found are: 16:78; 23:78; 32:9; 67:23. For instance, take the first verse (16:78), which says: “And He gave you ears, eyes and hearts that you may give thanks.” In this verse, the ta’wil of the ear is natiq, that of the eye is asas and that of the heart is Imam. It is because of such magnificent bounties that the expression of gratitude becomes incumbent upon us, because it is a special favour otherwise even infidels and animals possess physical eyes, ears and hearts.

Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (85)

This verse has been referred 2 times.