
Surah: 018 - Ayah: 031

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related refs 22:23, 35:33, 43:53, 76:21, 76:1,

Example 16: According to the Wise Qur'an (18:31; 22:23; 35:33; 43:53; 76:21) the people of Paradise will be adorned with armlets of gold and silver, which is an allusion to knowing the secrets of the Perfect Word, as a result of which it becomes clear that there is an extremely great circle based on this world and the next, which has neither a beginning nor an end. But at the same time it is possible to determine a beginning from the point where a discussion starts and an end where it ends. That is, human life is of two kinds: infinite which is universal, and finite which is particular. Thus the universal life is dahr (immovable time) and particular life is hin (moveable time) (76:1).

Rubies and Pearls 60

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