
Surah: 018 - Ayah: 046

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related refs 19:76

Lasting good deeds are praised in verses (18:46; 19:76). By this is meant the virtuous deeds whose reward is received continuously. For instance, if a mu'min gives a piece of land for the construction of a school, then this continuing charity is among the lasting good deeds whose reward continues forever.

Rubies and Pearls 12

The following wisdom-filled universal principle is also mentioned in the Prophetic Hadith: “Kullu ma`rufin sadaqah (Every good deed is a charity)” (Bukhari, VIII, 30; Da`a’im, II, 320). Thus to serve one’s country, community and humanity is a good deed, and hence a great charity. If the benefit of a service continues forever, then God willing, it will be a perpetual charity, and such services can be called “al-baqiyatu's-salihat (ever-abiding good works, 18:46)”. Thus, it is evident that if the service is unpretentious and sincere, it is everything. Therefore, God loves every sincere and true servant and His friendship and love is the greatest bounty of religion and spirituality. In fact, it is the soul of all bounties.

Book of Healing (252)

This verse has been referred 2 times.