Book of Healing - Healing Through Knowledge - Preface
Tags: Personal world, Healing through knowledge
In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
1. The people of faith, who mention or allude to the great favours of God, may He be blessed and exalted, with sincerity of intention and with ardent love are very fortunate, because they are striving for the worship of the expression of gratitude and appreciation (of the favours of God) by which His pleasure can be attained. It is a fact that, the True Bestower of bounties does not bestow only one or a few great bounties, rather innumerable and limitless bounties, therefore all of them should be mentioned. All these bounties are contained in every individual's existence as the compendium of body, soul and intellect and this is known as the microcosm or the personal world.
2. A special name of the personal world is the world of particles (`alam-i dharr). It is the extract and quintessence of the macrocosm. This means that the macrocosm or the external world is a wonderful, magnificent and unprecedented kingdom. All the treasures of its sovereign and its capital are in the personal world. It is in this sense that God, the All-powerful, enfolds the external world in the Perfect Men (the Qur'an: 51:21; 41:53 ). In another example, the external world is a huge garden with countless fruitful trees, whose tender branches, with their varied and extremely sweet fruits, are bent over the personal world or the world of the heart (76:14).
3. In a third example, the macrocosm is a vast rosarium with fresh, attractive and alluring flowers like those of the Supreme Paradise. The Eternal Perfumer (`attar-i azal) collects these in His workshop, which is in the personal world, so that, from these beautiful and fragrant flowers He may create such a miraculous perfume, that every flower may be annihilated and may blossom anew like the flowers of Paradise and may remain fresh for ever. Thus, man is both the perfume as well as the root of the rose bush of the rosarium of the universe.
4. In a fourth example, the macrocosm is an unfathomable ocean, the unique pearl of its beautiful oyster being Hazrat Adam and his son. According to one estimation, since the pearl is unique, its value is greater than the macrocosm. The reasons for this are:
- This is the unique pearl, as well as the pearl-producing ocean itself.
- It is only this pearl which the True King makes His own and nothing else.
- This is the mirror of Divine beauty and majesty.
- The major and minor vicegerencies are for him.
- This is the perfect and complete creature of God, who is given honour and excellence over all other creatures.
- At the level of spirituality he is a living and speaking book in which every secret speaks by itself.
- This is the secret of God and God is his secret.
5. If man has such great importance and if his real status is so lofty and sublime, then it is extremely necessary for him to pay attention to his spiritual improvement and progress at all times and work hard day and night. Since the kingdom of Hazrat Sulayman is hidden in his personal world, I have therefore mentioned it in this book, so that, every mu'min with high ambition may progress through dhikr-u `ibadat (remembrance and worship), knowledge and action. God willing, he will attain this Sulaymanian "kingdom" of his personal world.
6. It is mentioned in a noble Hadith: "There are 124,000 Prophets of God from the children of Adam …" (Sara'ir, p. 200) so that, by the command of God, in order to actualise the world of particles from its potential state, they may awaken all the dormant faculties of man and activate all his hidden abilities. Thus the benefactor of humanity, the seal of Prophethood, may the peace of God and His salutation be upon him and his progeny, through a wisdom filled, perfect and complete book such as the Qur'an and through the bright instructions and teachings of a natural religion such as Islam, made the ethical, religious and spiritual progress of man very easy. It is mentioned four times in the Sarah (54): "And indeed We have made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, but is there anyone who remembers?" (54:17). One meaning of the verse is that God has linked the Spirit of the Qur'an to His Supreme Name, so that its remembrance may be the remembrance of the quintessence of the Qur'an. What a great miracle and favour of God, may He be blessed and exalted, this is!
7. Although, in reality, the hidden sciences belong to God alone, He is free from niggardliness and is the Custodian of favours and bounties. Thus His greatest benevolence and providence appeared in the form of the revelation of the Qur'an. The noble Qur'an came to this world having amassed the countless gems of the secrets of the invisible world in its spaciousness. Verse (81:24) indicates that, in connection with the revelation of the Qur'an, He has never been niggardly in divulging the secrets of the invisible. Despite all this, if we are not able to take sufficient benefit from the knowledge and wisdom of the holy Qur'an, then perhaps we are sick and accepting our sickness, we should act in accordance with its curative and hygienic laws, so that we may attain the sound heart (26:89; 37:84).
8. Although the unprecedented and unique style of expression of the wise Qur'an is beyond the domain of praise and description by mankind, yet, the people of wisdom know that the Qur'an presents one and the same reality in varied examples (17:89; 18:54), in order that people may reach the real purpose by one or the other example. Thus, religion is likened to a long journey, a profitable trade, horticulture and agriculture, war, peace and victory. Religion is God's slavery, His friendship, a spiritual kingdom, the Divine vicegerency, a Divine school, an elevation and progression, an extremely magnificent hospital. Thus there are countless examples of the reality of religion.
9. In the example of Hazrat Adam, the centre of religion is the school of angels; in the allusion of Hazrat Nuh, the light of Islam is the Ark of salvation; Hazrat Ibrahim is the model of Imamat; the unprecedented feat of Hazrat Ismail gives the lesson of every kind of sacrifice; Hazrat Yaqub used to weep for the didar of his luminous son, not for the didatr of the physical son. The answer to the question of how beautiful a successful soul is and what can be its achievements and virtues in knowledge, is Hazrat Yusuf. Hazrat Musa Mount (Tur), with all its miracles, is both in the spirituality and intellectuality of Islam. Hazrat Dawud is the voice of the world of particles, the musical instrument of Hazrat Israfil and the inviter to Divine love. Hazrat Sulayman is the model of perfection of humanity and the spiritual kingdom. Hazrat Ayyub, through his meritorious work, gives the lesson of patience and steadfastness. Hazrat Yunus warns us of the danger of a great whale (nafs-i ammarah, the carnal soul). Hazrat Maryam is the example of that Sufi or mu'min, through whose ear light enters by the mediation of knowledge and name. Hazrat `Isa is the light which is in the knowledge and the name. Thus the light of the personal world is like the son of a mu'min, although it has many other relations too. In the holy and pure personality of the last Prophet, there were all the virtues and achievements of all the Prophets and all their excellent examples and he is the endless mercy for every personal world.
10. The wise Qur'an, like the pond of Kawthar, is a great pond which abounds with the luminous water of knowledge and wisdom and the outlets of varied examples are made around it. Open whichever outlet of examples you like and the water of the entire pond will slowly start to come to you. It is in accordance with this principle that, in this book, I have discussed the example of healing through knowledge. For the mighty Qur'an has openly declared that it is revealed for the healing of mu'mins (17:82). Although I am not a doctor or a physician, I would like to do a very small and a very limited service of the Qur'an, Islam and humanity, provided there is God's pleasure and His help in it.
11. In some of the mountains of the area to which I belong there are some red ruby mines. Therefore, I have observed minutely that the red ruby is incredibly beautiful, extremely attractive and alluring, particularly when it is brought out fresh from the mine. At this time, if it is together with white stone, it is extremely wonderful. It is obvious that those who find such precious gems, are unable to contain themselves (for joy). Now let me discuss about other kinds of rubies and gems, which are the rubies of knowledge and the gems of wisdom. They are extremely high, more exalted and more precious than the gems and pearls of the external world. The status of the mountain from which they are brought out is certainly great. For, it is like mount Sinai. Can you ever estimate the state of happiness and joy of those who, in order to spread these beautiful gems, render every kind of highly important service? I understand that we cannot easily describe their delight and happiness.
12. Now, first of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the highly respected and world-renowned, daily "Jang", in the pure and elegant words of sincerity and truthfulness. It has splendidly introduced some of my books in the pleasant and agreeable writings of a learned scholar, an experienced and skilled writer and great literateur, such as the respected Ra'is Amrohvi, in order to spread knowledge and love for progress. Thus, I and all my friends are grateful and indebted to the renowned and respected daily "Jang" and to respected Ra'is. These introductory writings indeed, reflect manifold dimensions of love for knowledge, Islamic brotherhood and beneficence.
13. The principles of an institution and history demand that those who render meritorious and useful services should be recorded on the pages of history. Nonetheless, the most wonderful and unique thing in this connection, is a mu'mins own record of deeds, by seeing which he will become extremely happy and delighted. It will be a living and speaking book (23:62; 45:29), whose writings will be so extremely amazing, that they will speak automatically in the form of human beings, spirits and angels. A small example of the book of deeds is shown in a luminous dream which is not in worldy writing. Although there is as much difference between dream and spirituality (or the Hereafter) as between the earth and the heaven, yet the example of the dream is very good, for it can be easily understood and even an illiterate person can grasp an ordinary meaning of it.
14. Mr. Fath Ali Habib, the President of Khanah-i Hikmat, his begum Mrs. Gulshakar, Advisor, Mr. Muhammad `Abd al-Aziz, President of Idarah-i `Arif, his begum Yasmin, Secretary and other respected office-bearers and members in the east and in the west (Pakistan, London, America, Canada, France, etc.), all of them were first fortunately immersed in the light of Islam and Iman (submission and faith) and now by Divine grace they are also immersed in the light of knowledge. This is an extremely great favour of God. I am most sincerely grateful to all of them from the soul of soul and the heart of heart. This is only my verbal expression of gratitude. I also ardently yearn that may my works of knowledge (books etc.) also express this gratitude and always pray for them in the best way. "Every good work is a charity (kullu ma`rufin sadaqah)" according to a noble Hadith, and if a good work continues forever, it is called perpetual charity (sadaqah-i jariyah) and is counted among the ever-lasting good works (al-baqiyatu'as-salihat 18:46). It is therefore hoped from the sacred court of the Sustainer of the world that He will bestow upon them the fortunes and blessings of both the worlds. Amin!
N. N. Hunzai
Saturday, 20 Muharramu'l-haram 1409 A.H.
3rd September, 1988 A.D.
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