
Surah: 019 - Ayah: 015

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related refs 19:33, 31:28

In the verses (19:15, 33) the way spiritual birth, death of animal soul and inbiath (resurrection) of Hazrat Yahya and Hazrat Isa are mentioned, shed full light on the meaning and wisdom of the word "salam”. In these verses, there is no mention of the salamati or protection of the physical body; It is the protection of the soul and the Intellect, which is in the form of the luminous ta'yid.
Here it is necessary to know that In this example, Hazrat Yahya and Hazrat Isa are representing the spirituality of all Perfect Men, because the path of salamati, for all of them, is one. For, if the path of the spirituality of every prophet were different, then God forbid, God's sunnats (laws) would also have been different. But the sunnat of God has continued to be one and the Divine sunnat or law is that the spiritual birth, the death of animal soul and inbiath of the people depends on the Guide of the time (hadi-i zaman). For it is he who is the nafs-i wahidah, the single and unifying soul (31:28) and the abode of peace (dar al-salam) Otherwise, how is it possible that God is inviting people to the abode of peace, when the abode itself does not exist? Further, it is also Impossible that someone may reach God directly without any means.

Precious Treasures 70

Q441 Please explain the esoteric wisdom of verse (19:5):”So grant me an heir from Your nearness.”


  • This is the prayer of Hazrat Zachariah(c) in which he sought from his Lord a special child with physical, spiritual and intellectual perfections.
  • There is a very great wisdom in the words “an heir from Your nearness” (min ladunka waliyyan).
  • If the given (ladunni) knowledge is highly praiseworthy, why should the given offspring not be so too?
  • By the heir mentioned here is not meant the one who inherits lands, house, property, etc., but the one who inherits the spiritual book and knowledge and wisdom.
  • If it is a definitive law that every Prophet has to have an heir, why should there be any doubt in the holy Prophet’s having his heir, who was cAli(c)?
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (212)

This verse has been referred 3 times.