Surah: 021 - Ayah: 007
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Q.1. Why did it become necessary to recite salawat upon Muhammad and his progeny in the sense of "May God send down upon you and your progeny His mercy", when he himself, by the command of God is already a mercy for all the worlds (21:107)? A. 1. According to the Qur'an, when God and His angels send salawat on mu mins (33:43), it is obvious that it is sent through Muhammad and his progeny. Therefore in order to receive this Divine and angelic salawat the mumins are taught by God and the Prophet to recite it as follows: Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa-ali Muhammad, i.e. O Allah! send upon Muhammad and his progeny (that) salawat (which you send on mumins, 33:56). Further, salawat also means following the Prophet and the pure Imams, which has been explained in our other writings. This implies that the Divine and angelic salawat comes to mu 'mins only when they hold Muhammad (s.a.s.) and his progeny in reverence and follow them.
Ahl adh-dhikr (The people of dhikr, the Imams from the progeny of Muhammad (s.a.s.))
It is said in verse (21:7): "And We sent not before you, but men to whom We revealed, so ask the people of the dhikr if you do not know."
Question: Who are the people of dhikr, who by being aware of all the secrets of Prophethood and messengership are able to answer every question about the Prophets?
Answer: They are the Imams from the progeny of the holy Prophet, whose holy chain continues till the Resurrection of resurrections.
This verse has been referred 3 times.