Caskets of Pearls Vol. 2 - Casket of Pearls 83
Casket of Pearls 83
Tags: Kingdom, Prostration of Recognition, Qur'an, Dhikr
Q821 Today, every mu'min is a potential paradise in himself, and tomorrow, God willing, he will be an actual paradise, in which the whole universe will be subjugated (31:20). This means that there will be a Divine kingdom in the paradise of every personal world. Is this statement correct?
- Yes, it is correct and a fact. It should also be noted that in this paradise there will be all the people of the world, and they will be given the ta`lim (teaching) of the true religion.
- Since every bounty in paradise is extremely delicious, sweet, pleasant and delightful, therefore many similes are used for the giving of and learning of knowledge. One of them is spending a marital life with the hurs.
Q822 Surah-yi Ra`d (13:15) says: "And to Allah prostrate all those who are in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, ..." Please explain its ta'wil.
- Prostration means to obey, that is, some people will willingly obey Allah and some will do so by force and then they will go to paradise where the former will be the kings and the latter, the subjects.
- It is true that there is a magnificent kingdom in paradise (76:20). In this case, there has to necessarily be a great number of subjects as well.
- How merciful and generous is the king of paradise that he gradually elevates his subjects in knowledge!
Q823 It is mentioned in Surah-yi Hajj (22:18): "Do you not see that before Allah prostrate themselves whosoever is in the heavens and whosoever is in the earth and the sun and the moon, the stars and the mountains, the trees and the animals and many of humankind amongst whom there are many on whom punishment is due?" This clearly shows that everything and every creature in the universe prostrates to Allah, so why the punishment?
- There are many creatures who are not endowed with the capacity of intellect or freewill, therefore they have neither reward nor punishment. However, human beings are the ones who are given intellect and freewill, therefore it is obligatory for them to progress from the prostration of subjugation to the prostration of recognition.
- Lifeless things and those without intellect only do the prostration of subjugation, while true believers do the prostration of recognition.
Q824 The following blessed statement is in Surah-yi Yunus (10:39): "Bal kadhdhabu bi-ma lam yuhitu bi-`ilmihi wa lamma ya'tihim ta'wiluh". Please give us its ta'wili wisdom.
- Translation: "They belied that which they did not comprehend with the knowledge thereof, and whose ta'wil did not yet come to them."
- The wise Qur'an can be verified only in the light of the revealed light (5:15). The same light is its domain of knowledge, which is its ta'wil.
- How can any Muslim forget the wisdom-filled verse of Surah-yi Ma'idah (5:15): "Indeed from Allah has come to you a light and a clear Book."
Q825 Please tell us a great secret of the Divine sunnat (habit) in the light of Qur'anic wisdom.
- Allah's sunnat remains essentially and fundamentally the same in the past, present and the future and there is no change in it.
- To know this great secret means that there are countless benefits of logic and knowledge, however it is essential to use one's intellect and wisdom.
Q826 You say that Qur'anic language presents a trial at every place, why?
- This is so, because the development of the human intellect depends on using reflection, which is why there is a great need to use tests.
- If there had not been a veil of tests on Qur'anic speech, there would have been no need to draw attention to [the importance of] reflection in it.
Q827 It is said that from one dimension the Qur'an is very difficult and from another it is very easy. What is the secret in this?
- The secret is that if you read the heavenly book in the light of [revealed] light (5:15), that is, you learn it from the Divine teacher, it is extremely easy, otherwise it is extremely difficult.
- Refer to Surah-yi Qamar (54:17, 54:22, 54:32, 54:40), to know that the glorious Qur'an is very difficult, but Allah in His mercy made it very easy.
Q828 How did Allah, the Knowing, the Wise make the Qur'an, which is before us in its present state, easy?
- It is Allah Who continuously enfolds and unfolds the entire universe, although physically the universe remains in its own place. In the same way, Allah continues to show the Qur'an's spirit and spirituality in the mirror of the ism-i a`zam.
- Why should the greatest of miracles be impossible for Allah!
Q829 It is stated in Surah-yi Qamar (54:17): "Verily We have made the Qur'an easy to remember (li'dh-dhikri). Is there anyone to remember?" Please tell us the meanings of dhikr?
- Dhikr means: the Prophet Muhammad (May Allah send blessings and peace through him and his progeny) (65:10-11), Imam (21:7), ism-i a`zam, exhortation (Qur'an). This means that first of all Allah made the Qur'an easy for the Prophet (May Allah send blessings and peace through him and his progeny), and then for the Imams from his progeny, who are the people of dhikr (ahl-i dhikr).
- Therefore, all people should turn to the Prophet and the Imams in order to attain the miracle of the recognition of the Qur'an, so that, with true obedience, such fortunate mu'mins can observe its spirit and spirituality and light and luminosity in the mirror of the ism-i a`zam or personal world.
Q830 Although the real and true ism-i a`zam is the Imam (May peace be through him) himself, the verbal ism-i a`zam, which he gives to some of his followers, is also necessary so that a bridge can be created to reach his sacred light. What is your opinion? Is this truly great feat not extremely useful despite being extremely difficult too?
- Yes indeed. Why should merging in the Imam (May peace be through him), then in the Prophet (May Allah send blessings and peace through him and his progeny) and Allah, not be difficult?
- The universal law of Imamat (36:12) says that everything is included when merging in the Imam. All the glad tidings of the Qur'an are related to this: spiritual victory and the subjugation of the universe, the recognition of one's own soul and the recognition of Allah. All of them are included in this treasure. Truly speaking all the noble verses of the great Qur'an with all their meanings are centred in this verse (36:12).
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