
Surah: 021 - Ayah: 105

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related refs 3:133, 54:52, 57:21

God says: “And We have written in the Zabur after (the completion of) dhikr (remembrance): My righteous slaves will inherit the earth” (21:105). Zabur means book, which here means the book of spirituality, which come into existence after spiritual progress. Writing in the book means, the righteous servant are appointed heirs to the earth of their personal worlds as a practical example so that this may gave them assurance of the great spiritual kingdom. This shows that the personal world contains everything: the heaven, the earth and everything in them.

Pearls of marifat 33

When a true sufi becomes enriched with the everlasting and eternal wealth of the results and fruits of the remembrance of God and tastes the spiritual death before the physical death, or in other words, he annihilates himself in the Perfect Master (murshid-i kamil), then in the Prophet and finally in God, then in spiritual letters it is written in his record of deeds (zabur = book of deeds) that the earth will be inherited by the righteous servants of God (21:105).

Book of Healing (68)

Zabur (A book of deeds)

It is mentioned in verse (21:105): "And verily We did write (for our friends) in (their) book of deeds after (the completion of) remembrance that My righteous servants will inherit the (cosmic) earth." You can also call it the earth of paradise, because paradise is in the length and width of the universe (3:133; 57:21).

Thousand Wisdoms 405 (219)

Q187 The word Zabur is mentioned in the holy Qur’an as the heavenly Book revealed to Hazrat David(c). Is it also used in the sense of the book of deeds?

A187 Yes, it is also used in the Qur’an in the sense of the book of deeds, such as in verse (21:105): “And verily We have written in the book of deeds (of kamils and carifs) after the dhikr (Reminder): My righteous servants will inherit the earth.” It is also used in the plural form, such as in verse (54:52): “And whatever they have done is (recorded) in the books of deeds (az-zubur)”. Az-zubur is the plural of az-zabur.

  • Since God has called the book of deeds of the kamils and carifs “zabur”, therefore this name contains many great secrets.
  • The book of deeds is not a book of paper; it is in the form of the personal world, rather, the book of the universe.
  • The inheritance of the earth mentioned here is the earth of the entire universe, in fact, it is the earth of the Universal Soul. The book of deeds or the book of resurrection (qiyamat-namah = zabur) contains all the spiritual miracles of the Prophets and the Imams, including Hazrat David(c).
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (95)

This verse has been referred 4 times.