
Surah: 022 - Ayah: 027

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related refs 22:28

In his time, Hazrat Ibrahim invited the people of the entire world to the pilgrimage (hajj) and he himself was the house of God. The invitation was made through the Sur-i Israfil, and therefore, in addition to human souls, the souls of stones, trees, animals, beasts and birds also came to his personal world. Thus great wisdoms are hidden in this coming to the presence of the Perfect Man and meeting him (22:27-28).

Psalm of lovers 51

Adhdhin (Call)

"And call to pilgrimage among the people (an-nas)." (22:27). The spiritual revolution (personal resurrection) of Hazrat Ibrahim was the major pilgrimage (hajj-i akbar) for all people. Here the word "an-nas" is used for the people of the entire world. All spiritual powers did their respective work in his personal world, by the command of God, and the power of Hazrat Israfil invited the representative particles of the people of the entire world to it (22:27).

Thousand Wisdoms35 (35)

This verse has been referred 4 times.