
Surah: 026 - Ayah: 033

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related refs , 27:12, 28:32

Hazrat Musa used to do the miracle of showing yad-i bayda' (luminous hand), which means that he, as the Hand of God, was performing the miracles of Intellect and knowledge (20:22; 26:33; 27:12; 28:32).

Precious Treasures 39

Miracle of the White Hand: The great Prophets, may peace be upon them, reach the Universal Intellect and the Universal Soul. Thus the miraculous knowledge of Hazrat Musa was such, that it was as if he was scattering pearls and also lifting and showing them in his hand. This act is called the White Hand (26:33).

Sweet Smelling 19

This verse has been referred 3 times.