Coolness of the eye - Nine Miracles of Hazrat Musa (May peace be through him)

Nine Miracles of Hazrat Musa (May peace be through him)

Tags: Nine miracles, Hazrat Musa, Staff, White Hand, Drought, Deluge, Locusts, Lice, Frog, Blood, Dearth of Fruits

God, the Blessed, the Exalted, had given Hazrat Musa (May peace be through him) nine clear miracles (17:101; 27:12), which are: `asa' (rod, staff), yad-i bayza' (white hand), sinin (drought), tufan (deluge), jarad (locusts), qummal (lice), zafadi` (frogs), damm (blood), and naqsin mina'th-thamarat (dearth of fruits). These great miracles, although they were of a physical and sensory nature, each of them also has a spiritual and ta'wili aspect, which God willing, we will briefly explain in the following:

  1. A miracle of a Prophet of God happens in the sense that he may vanquish his adversaries. Thus, the first miracle of Hazrat Musa (May peace be through him) was the staff (2:60; 7:107, 7:117, 7:160; 20:18; 26:32, 26:45, 26:63; 27:10; 28:31). The ta'wil of the staff is the ism-i a`zam, the Supreme Name, and its living miracle, namely, the luminous Divine remembrance, which due to its being the most sublime and supreme, is the fountainhead of cosmic power. Indeed, it is the ism-i a`zam, in whose position the light of Prophethood and the light of Imamat does everything. Another ta'wil of it is the demonstration of the Intellect. Thus, at the place of the Soul, the ism-i a`zam and at the place of the Intellect, the light of knowledge, work as the staff of Hazrat Musa and a dragon, by which all the powers of evil and opposition are destroyed.
  2. The ta'wil of the white hand is to hold the white light in the hand and to touch the Hidden Book. Here the Noble Qur'an alludes to the fact that the spiritual and inner miracles are related only to the beholders (7:108; 26:33). That is, they can be seen only with the inner eye.
  3. The miracle of drought was among the miracles of direct punishment, the ta'wil of which is that those people who reject the knowledge of the true Guide always suffer from the drought of knowledge. For, it is only he who is the fountainhead of knowledge.
  4. Deluge is the name of the personal Resurrection of the Perfect Man, in which take place the tempestuous rain of knowledge and the universal deluge of the souls. The ship of salvation in this deluge is that people must recognise the Guide of the time, so that they escape from drowning. This is the event of the world of particles.
  5. The locusts (jarad, sing. jiradah, 7:133) mean the evil spirits which in the form of doubts, suspicions and contradictory ideas destroy the crop of religion and belief just as the physical locusts destroy physical crops.
  6. The lice (qummal, sing. qummalah, 7:133) are among the miracles of punishment, that some bad souls like lice, stick to the zahir and batin of a human being and torture him. This is a trial to demonstrate whether you accept the subtle body or not.
  7. Frogs (zafadi`, sing. zifdi`, 7:133) means the noise made by such souls, by which the voice of the higher souls and the angels becomes inaudible. This miracle is also amazing.
  8. The blood (damm, pl. dima', 7:133), means turning water into blood. This is an intellectual punishment in that, in the eyes of an ignorant person, true knowledge appears to be doubtful and ugly. This means that pure water for such a person becomes blood. Now, in order to quench his thirst, he will get no other water. Thus, this was also a spiritual punishment for Pharoah and his community, that the water of knowledge of Hazrat Musa (May peace be through him) and Hazrat Harun (May peace be through him) appeared as unpleasant as blood to them.
  9. Dearth of fruits (thamarat, sing. thamar, 7:133) means that someone who is intelligent and wise in a religious sense, has plenitude of the fruits of reflection. But he who has enmity with the light of guidance, does not have the fruit of knowledge. Thus, this is also a punishment from God.
  10. The wisdom of the ta'wil of the nine miracles is extremely important, for they contain key wisdoms. It may be a great surprise to you that some miracles are the cause of punishment and that some of them are sources of reward. It is also surprising that inside the door and wall, there is mercy and outside is punishment (57:13).

O Allah! as You have said (33:43) send salawat upon the mu'mins through Muhammad and his progeny, in which is the light of true knowledge. Amin!

Nasir al-Din Nasir Hunzai, 22nd July, 1982.
Glen Elly IL 60137, U.S.A.
11 Muharramu'l-haram, 1412/23rd July, 1991.

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