
Surah: 027 - Ayah: 062

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The word “muztarr” in the wise Qur’an is extremely thought-provoking and meaningful. It means forced, compelled, obliged, poor, destitute, helpless. According to the Qur’an, every mu'min who has been tested by a natural calamity is muztarr. In such a condition, the carnal soul dies, at least temporarily. Thus, this is the time of spiritual bliss, therefore in this state it is necessary to have recourse to the Sustainer, as it is said: “Or, Who listens to the distressed when he cries unto Him and removes the suffering and appoints you (His) vicegerents in the earth” (27:62).

Book of Healing (76)

If you want to see the Perfect Man or a true sufi` in the mirror of this noble verse (27:62), it is possible to see that they are muztarr, in the sense that their religious life, both externally and internally, passes through numerous trials, in which they both, dying before death and having died spiritually, pray with full attention. God, the Knowing, the Wise, first of all removes their internal diseases and then confers upon them the crown of vicegerency in the personal world, namely, the microcosm. Thus, this is a sufi` interpretation of the above-mentioned verse.

Book of Healing (76)

This verse has been referred 3 times.