Book of Healing - Qur'anic Healing - Healing through Quake (Shivering)
Healing through Quake (Shivering)
Tags: Quake, Shivering, Medical science
1. Can there be any healing through quake or shivering? Yes, a very great wisdom is hidden in this state, rather it is more appropriate to say that there are many secrets and allusions to know which is extremely useful, although apparently when it happens by itself, it is considered a disease, let alone used as a cure and medicine. You might perhaps be surprised that some physical diseases are useful, because due to them many fatal diseases can be prevented. As, in order to prevent small-pox, vaccination is given, which protects man from this dangerous disease by causing a temporary and useful disease.
2. Shivering or quake is of many kinds, spiritual and physical. Thus if an oppressed person is trembling due to the fear of an oppressor, then this trembling is not free from wisdom. For, this is a practical complaint, which rises without any obstacle towards the court of the Lord of Honour, so that the law of justice and equity of the real King may come into action. If such a trembling is due to severe cold, then also it is a natural remedy, for, by this movement, the natural heat of the animal soul increases and the system of the circulation of blood continues. In short, no shivering is without meaning and wisdom.
3. In Da`a'im, in the beginning of Kitabu'l-Jana'iz (I, 217), it is narrated from the holy Prophet, that he said: "Fever is a purification from God, the Forgiving". That is, sin is cleansed by it. Since sin is a spiritual disease, therefore, it is true to say that it is removed by the external and internal fever. Thus, by this noble Tradition, it is established that fatal diseases are cured by some temporary diseases. But the condition in this cure is definitely faith, certainty, knowledge and good deeds.
4. Which blessed verse of the wise Qur'an is not a treasure of knowledge and wisdom? But the difficulty is that we have a partial intellect, therefore we need to think and reflect more, in order to understand the Qur'an. Thus if you read verse (9:52) carefully, you will certainly be happy, for it contains the wisdom-filled allusion that the betterment of the mu'mins in this world is both directly and indirectly. That is, if he has comfort, then this is undoubtedly a direct goodness, and if there is a calamity, then this is called an indirect goodness. This law of mercy is called "One of two good things (ihda'l-husnayayn)" in the wise Qur'an (9:52). Thus it is obvious that a great wisdom is certainly hidden in every such difficulty which comes from God. And it is only wisdom which is in the position of abundant goodness.
5. Quake of spirituality and resurrection or the astonishing quake is related, not only to the external world, but also to the personal world. Thus, it is prominently mentioned in these four places of the noble Qur'an (2:214, 22:1-2, 33:11, 99:1-8). In addition to these, there are many other verses which describe the secrets and allusions of this superior subject in the language of wisdom, such as in verse (39:23): "God has revealed the most beautiful speech which is equivocal and repeated, whereat do creep the skins of those who fear their Lord, then their skins and their hearts do soften for the remembrance of God". If we look at this quake or shivering with respect to the personal world, it is an extremely great spiritual miracle of the holy Qur'an and ism-i a`zam. However, an important question arises here that, if according to the profound wisdom of the Qur'an, all meanings of related and necessary fear are contained in the fear of God, then why is shivering mentioned separately? What wisdom is hidden in it?
6. Spiritual quake or shivering is the final trial as well as the result and fruit of the fear of God, for Prophets, awliya' and the mu'mins with high ambitions. Further, it also purifies and sanctifies people, so that they may enter spirituality and Paradise after this stage. Furthermore, it is a proof of awakening from the sleep of negligence and becoming closer to real life.
7. When the earthquake occurs in a part of the earth, its real power is in its depth. Similarly, whether it is physical fever or the spiritual quake, its factors and motives lie in the heart and cells of man, although an initial movement and effect may be superficial and external. It is strange that, man and animal are different in the awakening and moving of cells of the body, caused by sending a message from the heart and mind. For instance, if a horse has a wound on its back and a fly sits on it, the horse is able to shake that particular part. The same can be done by many other animals: when a cat becomes angry it can move the cells of the entire body and cause its hair to stand on end; when a hen protects its chickens, it alerts the cells of its body and keeps all the feathers inflated. But man, by his own will, cannot make his hair stand on end, nor can he shake a particular part of his back. It is however a different matter if a successful body builder, due to constant exercise, can move his cells and flesh in an extraordinary way.
8. If we look with the eye of wisdom then this universe, which is an open book, can teach us many things. Animals are the most important chapter of this symbolic book, for they are alive and due to life, they are very close to us and there are many positive and negative allusions for us in their nature. Therefore, you should make a habit of reflection and thinking and in addition to reflecting on the wise Qur'an, reflect also on your own self and the universe, so that you will come to know what man can and cannot do. In my opinion, man by using God-given capacities, if not today will be able to do everything tomorrow.
9. Strolling in this rose garden of conversation, we have somewhat gone away from the main place, although the direction of the conversation is towards the main subject. Anyhow, after the mention of the above examples, we have to explain that, although the real and spiritual quake with its miraculous effects, is on an extremely high place, yet according to the Divine law, with every height, there is an ascending ladder also (70:3). That is, you should do different exercises of quake and shivering readily and without feeling ashamed: sometimes shake your hands and sometimes your feet. You can also do this exercise, with the shoulders and the knees. And in this exercise, always continue to breathe the soul of Divine remembrance, so that you may ascend step by step. God willing, you will have success.
10. Among the righteous servants of God, there are some who, in the form of prayer, shake their hands and after a while, the state of natural quake, in which there is the spiritual cure and healing, occurs to them. In that state, those fortunate servants do abundant giryah-u zari which, with reference to the Qur'an, has already been mentioned in this book. This means that you can do two kinds of `ibadat. In one you are all alone. In the other, which is extremely full of virtues, the innumerable souls of the cells of the body wake up from the sleep of negligence and participate with you. This is the result of the special quake and giryah-u zari. Thus, "Healing through Quake" can be extremely effective.
11. See point 5 in this article, where verse (39:23) is mentioned. This verse means that under the influence of the holy Qur'an and ism-i a`zam, the bodies of the chosen mu'mins shiver and this shivering is such an extremely useful miracle that their bodies i.e. all the cells and heart, become tender by it, and turn to the remembrance of God. Since the body is a compendium of cells and the cells contain innumerable particles of soul, therefore, softening of the body and remembering God together with the heart, means that the cellular souls wake up and become engrossed in Divine remembrance. Thus, it is evident that, by the quake or shivering of an `arif, each and every cell of the body wakes up and by the favours and blessings of the great name of God, the Great, the Exalted, the body remains safe and secured from all diseases and afflictions.
12. Medical science says that disease takes place in the cells. The Qur'an alludes that you, who are a compendium of cells, remain in the protection of the Sustainer (113:1-5, 114:1-6) in order to escape from every evil and disease. Science says there are bacteria in the body of the sick; the Qur'an in the language of wisdom, says that every useful thing and every medicine of this world has been revealed from the treasures of God (15:21). Further, the Qur'an says that `Izra'il, who is your guardian (mu'akkal) (32:11), can seize the souls of bacteria. Science considers that every kind of external cleanliness and purity is extremely necessary. The Qur'an clearly endorses this and further it says that not only is external purity important, but more than this is the purity of the soul. For, the salvation of man lies in it (91:9). Science gives very great importance to physical exercise and considers it useful for health. The wisdom-filled allusion of the Qur'an is that the secret of creation and progress and health of man lies in hard work (90:4). Hard work or exercise has two aspects: spiritual and physical. Thus according to the Qur'an, together with physical exercise, spiritual exercise is also extremely necessary.
13. Question: What are the great benefits hidden in the quake, if it is in its real sense?
Answer: In it there is the practical fear of God and the fruit of it (39:23), it is the indigence, restlessness and cry (for help) of true love (27:62), it is the reward of humility and hidden supplication (7:55), it is natural purification and sanctification (9:103), it is a great miracle of spirituality (41:53), it is a mercy that the earth of the soul moves to thrive (22:5), it is an inner revolution and an example of the great Resurrection (22:1), it is a great sign of the eternal life (8:24), it is an experience of the communication with the Supreme Soul (58:22), it is the quake of the minor Resurrection of the personal world (99:1-8), it is the trial of the final stage (33:11), it is the sweet and pithy fruit of patience and prayer (2:153), it is the beginning of the heavenly succour and help and waking up of the cellular souls (2:214), and it is the spirit of the Qur'an which comes with medicine and healing for the fortunate mu'mins (17:82).
18 Dhu'l-hijjah, 1406
25th August, 1986
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