
Surah: 027 - Ayah: 066

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related refs 17:72, 20:15

Amun (1) (sing. amin) (Blind ones of the heart)

It is said in verse (27:66): "Still more, they are blind to it (hereafter)." This means that the hereafter can be observed with the inner eye to the extent of certainty.

Thousand Wisdoms 626 (331)

Amun (2) (Blind ones of the heart)

Is the knowledge of resurrection and the hereafter necessary for the people of knowledge, or not? A decisive verse in this connection is verse (27:66) in which God says: "Nay, but their knowledge fails as to the hereafter? Nay, they are in doubt about it. Still more, they are blind to it." Had the knowledge of dying before death, personal resurrection and the hereafter not been possible before physical death, God would not have said that their knowledge has ceased, that they are in doubt and that they are blind to it.

Thousand Wisdoms 627 (331)

Q214 You have been writing and stating that resurrection is an inner and spiritual event, in which only the souls of people are present. That is, there is only representation [of the people] by their subtle particles, and apart from the carifs, nobody else is aware of it. What are the Qur’anic verses that testify to this fact?


  • Read verse (27:66): “Nay, they are in doubt about it. Still more they are blind to it.” Reflect well upon the point here that the hereafter is even farther than the resurrection and there should be complete knowledge about it. It is possible to have cilmu’l-yaqin, caynu’l-yaqin and haqqu’l-yaqin about the hereafter. Had it been impossible to see the resurrection and the hereafter, it would not have been said “they are blind to it”.
  • In verse (17:72), it is mentioned: “And whosoever is blind in this world, shall [also] be blind in the hereafter, and far astray from the [right] way.” This too, shows that the recognition of resurrection, the hereafter and paradise is possible in this world.
  • It is mentioned in verse (20:15): “Indeed, the resurrection is going to come, but I will keep it hidden.” That is, resurrection is something spiritual and hidden.
  • It is mentioned in a hadith: “He who dies, his resurrection takes place”. That is, resurrection takes place for those who die spiritually or physically, which shows that the chain of resurrection always continues.
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (106)

Q531 We only come to know that certain topics relate to spiritual science when you discuss this subject, otherwise how would we know? Could you tell us something in this connection because you have abundant such knowledge?


  • God willing! In this connection, first there are some fundamental rules. According to me whatever experiences I have concerning the ayat (signs) of the external (afaq) and the internal (anfus) world is ‘spiritual science’. Whatever has been written about the resurrection and the personal world comes under the heading of spiritual science.
  • This means that another name of wisdom and recognition is spiritual science as well as being called the science of the hereafter (27:66). In short, the treasure of all these sciences is the Imam from the progeny of the holy Prophet. It is from him that one can receive any charity of knowledge.
Casket of Pearls Vol 2 (14)

Q532 What does the Qur'an say about the “science of the hereafter”?


  • About the science of the hereafter, the Qur’an says: “Nay, but their knowledge fails as to the Hereafter, nay they are in doubt about it, nay they are blind to it.” (27:66) Were the science of the hereafter impossible for anyone to know, this verse would not have condemned anybody for it!
  • If the science of the hereafter did not include ilmu’l-yaqin, aynu’l-yaqin and haqqu’l-yaqin, there would have been no censoring of those who are in doubt about it.
  • If Allah had not promised in the wise Qur’an to show His ayat (miracles) (27:93; 41:53; 51:20-21), the people who are blind with respect to the eye of the heart would not have been criticised in many places in the Qur’an
Casket of Pearls Vol 2 (14)

This verse has been referred 8 times.