
Surah: 029 - Ayah: 049

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related refs 11:88

God says: "But it (the Qur'an) is clear miracles in the hearts of those who have been given knowledge" (29:49). This noble verse shows that those who have been given knowledge by God, are the pure Imams, in whose hearts the Qur'an is in the form of the living miracles of the spirit and spirituality. It is for this reason, the Imam of the time is called the speaking Qur'an (Ouran-i natiq). Thus it became evident that the spirit of the Qur'an is hidden in the Teacher of the Qur'an (muallim-i Qur'an). This book deals with this subject and in this connection are furnished sound and bright proofs in it. Wa ma tawfiqi ilia billah (And my success is only from Allah) (11:88).

Quran and Spirituality 11

Ayat bayyinat (Clear miracles)

It is said in verse (29:49): "Nay, it (the Qur'an) is (the sum of) clear miracles in the breasts of those who are granted knowledge." These blessed personalities in whose breasts the holy Qur’an is in luminous form are the holy Imams from the ahl-i bayt. (Da'a'im, I, 22)

Thousand Wisdoms 11 (24)

Kitabun yantiqu (The Imam who is the Speaking Book)

It is said in verse (29:49): "Nay, it (the Qur'an) is (in the form of) clear miracles in the breasts of those who are given knowledge." This blessed verse is revealed about the Imams of ahl-i bayt that, the spirit and spirituality and light and luminosity of the holy Qur’an function within each of the Imams and through the Imam of the time, this miracle also takes place in the kamils and carifs.

Thousand Wisdoms 721 (383)

A great virtue of knowledge is also that, for those who have been granted it, the mirror of their heart becomes so cleansed that the holy Qur’an reflects in it intellectually and spiritually. But how? In the form of luminous signs and miracles. (29:49).

Book of Healing (178)

If it is asked: “In what form does the Wise Quraan exist in the blessed heart of the holy Imams?” in answer to this important and usefull question, God says in verse (29:49): “nay, it (the Quraan) is bright signs of miracles in the hearts of those who have been granted knowledge (by God)”. The purport of this according to the wise people, is that the Perfect Men are given first the knowledge of certainty and then the eyes of certainty due to which the spiritual and luminous miracles appear in the mirror of their heart. It is these miracles which are called the “clear signs” mentioned in the Quraan time and again.

The Holy Quraan and the Light of Imamat (6)

This verse has been referred 6 times.