A Thousand Wisdoms - Chapter Sad
Chapter Sad
Tags: Sad
489 - Sad
Form, image:
It is said in verse (38:1): "By Sad (surat-i Rahman, the Image of God), and the renowned Qur'an." The relationship of this Divine oath is that in the higher world, where there is the vision of the Compassionate God, there is the manifestation of the azal of the glorious Qur’an, which is in the hidden Book. (56:77-79)
490 - Sahib (1)
It is mentioned in verses (53:1-2): "By the star (of azal) when it set (after rising), that your companion (the holy Prophet) neither erred nor did he go astray." In the first verse there is an allusion to the ultimate destination, which is the sacred Sanctuary and the place of azal where the light of Intellect by its shortest rising and setting makes countless signs. This light of the world of oneness is its sun, moon, and stars, in fact it is everything, because it is the quintessence and pearl of the universe and existents.
491 - Sahib (2)
In verse (53:2) the reason for God’s oath in the preceding verse is that when the holy Prophet went to mi`raj, your world of particles was with him in the state of annihilation and oneness. This great wisdom (ta’wil) is hidden in the phrase "your companion". That is, the holy Prophet is the companion and guide of the people of faith until mi`raj. Praise belongs to Allah, the Sustainer of all worlds!
492 - Sahib (3)
Reflect upon the soul-nourishing words of verse (57:28): "And He will appoint for you a light in (the illumination of) which you will walk." This is the light of Imamat, the purpose of which is to guide the people of faith on the straight path. The purpose of walking is to reach the final destination and the final destination is God and where there is God, there is His holy vision, as well as the observation of the secrets of the holy Prophet's mi`raj.
493 - Sadiqin (1)
The truthful ones, those who are given Qur'anic wisdom:
It is said in verse (9:119): "O you who believe! Fear God and be with the truthful." This wisdom-filled verse is revealed about the Imams from the progeny of the holy Prophet. The truthful are those only in whose forehead there is the manifestation and miracle of the revealed light. Thus, it is the holy Imams who have the truthfulness and reality of the Qur'an and Islam. (Da`a'im, I, 21)
494 - Sadiqin (2)
`Ali, pure Imams:
It must be noted that "sidq (truth)" is among the names of the Qur'an (39:33). (See "al-Ittiqan", I, 145). Thus the truthful are those in whose hearts are preserved all the spiritual and luminous ayat, i.e. miracles of the wise Qur’an (29:49), as the holy Prophet has said about Mawla `Ali: "`Ali is with the Qur'an and the Qur'an is with `Ali and they will never separate from one another until they will come to me at the pool (of Kawthar)." (al-Mustadrak, III, 134) That is, the Qur'an and `Ali will always remain together till the Resurrection of resurrections. How? The Qur'an always in a new edition and `Ali in a new attire of Imamat.
495 - Salih
Good, pious, virtuous, the one who fulfils duties and responsibilities (al-Munjid):
It is mentioned in verse (66:4): "Then verily his supporter is Allah, and Jibra’il and the most virtuous of the believers (salihu’l-mu’minin)." Here, by the most virtuous of the believers is meant Mawla `Ali (a.s.). (See al-Mizan, XIX, 341). Here, this sacred verse implies that, as long as there are believers in this world, the most virtuous of them is also present.
496 - Sadaqah
Charity, gift:
It is said in a Hadith: "The best charity is that a Muslim man may acquire knowledge and then teach his Muslim brother." (Ibn Majah, I, 89).
497 - Sadaqah jariyah
Lasting charity:
It is said in a Hadith: "When a man dies, all his actions are cut off from him except three: ever continuing charity, or knowledge from which benefit is derived or a virtuous son who prays for him." (Mishkat, I, 347)
498 - Siddiqah
Very truthful woman, a waliyyah:
Siddiqah in reality is that exalted woman who has reached the spirituality and luminosity of the heavenly Book and she can thus confirm the heavenly Books and know their ta'wil. This title has been mentioned in the wise Qur’an regarding Hazrat Maryam (5:75). See in verse (66:12) that the Divine Spirit was breathed into her ear and with the help of that she confirmed, in the light of recognition (ma`rifat), the perfect words and the heavenly Books and she became one of those who truly obey God. Indeed, allegorically the story of Hazrat Maryam is the story of a hujjat. Therefore, there is no spiritual event in the story of Hazrat Maryam which is not found in the hujjat. Thus you can ask questions in this connection and see our other writings as well.
499 - Sirat mustaqim (1)
Straight path, the path of God, the light of Prophethood and the light of Imamat:
In verse (6:153) God says: "And (know) that verily this is My straight path, so follow it." That is, follow the natiq and the imam, because it is the light of Prophethood and the light of Imamat which is the straight path. (Jami`ah, p. 200).
500 - Sirat mustaqim (2)
Straight path:
In verse (15:41) it is said: "He (Allah) said: This is the straight path which leads to Me." It is obvious for the people of knowledge that the ultimate destination of the straight path is God Himself, therefore, the people of faith must continue to walk on it until they reach God. Such an absolutely successful spiritual journey is possible only in the illumination of the light of guidance.
501 - Sirat mustaqim (3)
Luminous path:
It is said in verse (11:56): "Verily my Lord is on the straight path." That is, the representative of God (the Imam of the time) is the path of luminous knowledge and guidance from the beginning to the end. And this is the ta'wil of the straight path.
502 - Sirat mustaqim (4)
The living path of luminosity:
Another example of the straight path is an ark, because the ahl-i bayt of the Prophet are compared to Hazrat Nuh's Ark. In this case the great secret is revealed that the straight path in reality is he who in his luminosity, carries the inner and spiritual travellers and makes them reach the ultimate destination. And this is a bright example of the True Guide.
503 - Sirat mustaqim (5)
The representative of God, the Imam of the time:
See verse (3:101): "And whoever holds fast to (the representative of) Allah is surely guided to (the end of) the straight path." That is, whoever holds fast to the holy hem of the representative of God can reach the ultimate destination of the straight path. Thus, the straight path is a mithal or example and the Imam of the time is the mamthul or the meaning of the example.
504 - Sirat mustaqim (6)
Luminous rope of God:
An alternate example to understand the reality of the straight path is the rope of God, such as in verse (3:103): "And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of God and do not separate." That is, the blessed and holy personality of the representative of God (Prophet and Imam) is the luminous path of God as well as His luminous rope.
505 - Sirat mustaqim (7)
Straight path, i.e. Mawla `Ali:
Hazrat Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq says: "The straight path is the Commander of the faithful (`Ali)". (al-Mizan, I, 41). There cannot be any doubt in this, because the path of the true religion cannot be a material path, rather it is a living, rational and luminous path of God, namely the exalted Imam.
506 - Salah (pl. salawat) (1)
The sending of salawat or blessings on the holy Prophet is mentioned in verse (33:56): "Verily God and His angels send blessings on the Prophet (and his progeny). O you who believe, send blessings on him (and them) and greet him (and them) with a worthy greeting." In this Divine command are hidden the great secrets of the grandeur of the holy Prophet and his progeny.
507 - Salah (2)
It is said in a Hadith: "Say! O Allah! Send blessings upon Muhammad (s.a.s.) and upon the progeny of Muhammad (s.a.s.) just as you sent blessing upon Ibrahim and upon the progeny of Ibrahim. You are praiseworthy and glorious." (Bukhari, Delhi, IV, 385, Cairo, IV, 178; al-Mizan, XVI, 344).
508 - Salah (3)
In this Hadith there is a great treasure of ma`rifat for the people of knowledge and insight. Where there are intricate questions about the salah (blessing) on the holy Prophet and his progeny, he himself has solved them in a wisdom-filled way by referring to those verses of the Qur'an which are about Hazrat Ibrahim and his progeny. Thus, concerning the meaning of salah (blessing), see all those verses which are about God's mercies and blessings upon Ibrahim (a.s.) and upon his progeny, because His blessing is not merely a will or a speech, but also an universal act which is beneficial to all.
509 - Salah (4)
Knowledge and wisdom:
Before the mention of sending salah upon the mu'mins, it is commanded in verses (33:41-42): "O you who believe, remember Allah abundantly and do His tasbih morning and evening". Then in the following verse (33:43) it is said: "He it is Who sends His blessings on you and His angels also, so that He may bring you out from darknesses (of ignorance) unto light (of knowledge)." That is, God and His great angels (Muhammad (s.a.s.) and the guiding Imams from his progeny) send blessings upon you, in which there is Divine help, success, guidance, knowledge and wisdom.
510 - Salah (5)
Light of knowledge:
According to the above-mentioned verse, if the purpose of sending salah or blessing upon mu'mins is to give them the light of knowledge then this only comes through the custodian of tanzil and the custodian of ta'wil, as God commands the holy Prophet in verse (9:103): "And send upon them salah. Verily your salah is a source of peace for them." That is, since the salah of the holy Prophet is from God, therefore, there is peace and tranquillity for the intellect and soul of the mu'mins.
511 - Summ (sing. asamm)
Deaf ones:
It is said in verse (2:18): "Deaf, dumb, blind; and they return not." The wisdom-filled allusion of this verse is that, first of all, one has to listen to the conversation of the knowledge of certainty, then in the light of that he has to speak and then he has to see with the eye of certainty. The reason for this is that both physically and spiritually, the importance of hearing is that whoever is deaf from the very beginning also necessarily becomes dumb and consequently the intellect is not created in him. That is, he remains blind with respect to the inner eye, i.e. the intellect.
512 - Suwar (sing. surah) (1)
Mawla `Ali (a.s.) says that the holy Prophet said: "Indeed, in paradise there will be a market in which there will be no buying and selling, except the pictures of men and women. When someone likes a picture, he will enter it." That is, he or she will become like him or her. (Tirmidhi, IV, 686)
513 - Suwar (2)
Living and conscious pictures:
Nothing of paradise is without soul and intellect. Therefore, we can say with certainty that these pictures of the market of paradise can be neither of paper, nor of film, rather they are pictures adorned with the beauties of soul and intellect. In short, they are the copies of the subtle personality of perfect, pleasant and successful human beings.
514 - Suwar (3)
Spiritual pictures, attires of paradise:
These pictures are those excellent and unique attires which are enriched with the everlasting wealth of pure life and perfect intellect. Therefore a ruhani said: “Thos gatu jo mayn shuro jo”, i.e. “(O Lord!) Grant (me) new attire and grant (me) old sustenance.” That is, grant me new spiritual attire and old intellectual sustenance. Indeed, this wisdom is not separate from the pictures of the market of paradise.
515 - Suwar (4)
Spiritual copies of the kamils:
It is a highly successful experiment of spiritual science that thousands of spiritual copies of kamils are made in the destination of Israfil and `Izra'il of the spiritual path and after further progress at the place of intellect, so that they may be the great bounties of paradise. This explanation shows that among the spiritual pictures of the bazaar of paradise there are the blessed pictures of the Prophets and Imams (a.s.).
516 - Suwar (5)
Statues, living pictures, luminous bodies:
In addition to the Hadith, it is better if this is substantiated with Qur'anic evidence. Thus, in verse (34:13) it is mentioned that the jinn used to make pictures for Hazrat Sulayman. It is extremely interesting and pleasing that these pictures were the spiritual copies of Hazrat Sulayman himself, who possessed Prophethood, Imamat and kingdom. Thus, O my dears! try to attain the rank of “fana' fi'l-imam (annihilation in Imam)" today, so that tomorrow in paradise you may be a copy of the Sulayman of the time.
517 - Suwar (6)
Copies of ibda`i body, luminous bodies:
The Imam is called the lord of the ibda`i body. It is in this sense that Hazrat Talut's knowledge and body are praised: "He said: Verily Allah has chosen him over you and has increased him abundantly in knowledge and body." (2:247). It is not possible for any body except the ibda`i body to be spacious and ever-reaching like knowledge.
518 - Sur
A bedouin asked the holy Prophet what the sur was? He answered: "It is a horn which is blown (to create resurrection)." (Tirmidhi, IV, 620). Since the Prophets speak according to the intellectual capacity of the people, therefore, he spoke only this much to him about the sur.
519 - Surah (1)
Form, image:
It is said in a Hadith: "Whoever will enter paradise will be in the image of Adam." (Bukhari, Delhi, IV, 342-43, Cairo, VIII, 62). In another Hadith it is said: "Allah may He be mighty and exalted, created Adam in His image." (Muslim, IV, 2183). This creation is neither physical nor spiritual, but intellectual and in the sacred Sanctuary (i.e. paradise). He who enters it, does so in the image of his father Adam and Adam was created by God in His Compassionate Image (Rahmani surat).
520 - Surah (2)
Form, image:
The people and the angels of the entire universe come to the personal world and become annihilated in the Adam of the time and thus they enter paradise and become in the image of their spiritual father, the Adam of the time. The wisdom-filled allusion of this is that here all become one as they were previously. This is the great secret of the Image of the Compassionate (surat-i Rahman) and Monoreality.
521 - Surah (3)
Form, image:
It is said in a sacred Hadith: "O My servant! Obey Me so that I may make you in My Image (surat-i Rahman), everlasting that you will never die, mighty that you will never become humiliated, self-sufficient that you will never become indigent." (See “Ati`ni”, Zad, p. 183).
522 - Surah (4)
Form, image:
It is said in verse (4:125): "And who is better in religion than he who has submitted his (spiritual) face to God, and is righteous, and follows the path of Ibrahim who used to walk avoiding falsehood? And God took Ibrahim for a special friend." This is the description of every `arif whose spiritual face has become surat-i Rahman.
523 - Sawwarnakum (1)
We made your form:
O my dears! The friends of God live in the personal world of the Adam of the time, because he is the whole and they are his parts and this great favour of God is mentioned in these words in verse (7:11): "And verily We created you (in spirituality) and then We made your form (i.e. surat-i Rahman,), then We said to the angels: Prostrate yourselves to Adam. They all prostrated themselves except Iblis."
524 - Sawwarnakum (2)
We made your form:
In the external world minerals are in the lowest level, vegetatives are in the second level, animals are in the third level and human beings are in the fourth. It is clear that under each of these levels, there are innumerable kinds of creatures. Thus, among the countless strata of the world of humanity, the most elevated and exalted stratum is that of the Prophets and the awliya', in whose personal world there is the recognition of the beautiful names of God. Thus, in verse (59:24) first of all is the name "Allah", then "khaliq", then "bari’" and finally "musawwir", the ta'wil of which is that Allah creates the Prophets and awliya' first physically, then spiritually and finally He creates them intellectually and grants them His surat-i Rahman.
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