
Surah: 030 - Ayah: 022

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related refs 30:20

As the words ruh (soul) and rih (air) are from the same root, similarly nafs (soul) and nafas (breathing) are also from the same root. Thus, a very great wisdom and a great secret are hidden in this. For, the languages of the nations of the world, have not come into existence by themselves, rather the Creator of the universe has created them in an extremely systematic way, particularly the Arabic language, which is the language of the wise Qur’an. The brightest proof of this fact is in the holy Qur’an itself. Open the holy Qur’an and read carefully verses (30:20-27), in which six times attention is drawn towards the Divine signs, as it is said in this connection: “And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the difference of your languages and colours.” (30:22). From this, the reality rises to the level of the light of certainty and becomes clear that, whatever may be the external and historical causes, every language is created by God Himself. Without this, a language cannot be counted among the Divine signs.

Book of Healing (156)

Lisan (pl. alsinah) Language

Every language is among the signs of God's power as mentioned in verse (30:22): "And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the variety of your tongues and hues. Verily there are signs in this for those who know." Thus, the creation of languages and the variety of hues are from God, in which there are countless scenes of natural beauty and elegance, such as the stars in the heavens, the exotic scenes of the earth and the complexions of human beings.

Thousand Wisdoms 775 (408)

The creation of the languages of the nations of the world is entirely by God Himself, and in all of them there are the external (physical) and the internal (spiritual) wonders of His workmanship. These wonders are among the signs of the existence of the Wise Creator and all His attributes. To reflect upon them and to make them known to the people of (respective) languages, is a kind of worship of God [in the light of] recognition (arifanah). The pleasure and happiness that a person receives during thinking and reflection is a proof that his worship is being accepted in the court of God, and from then on he receives limitless reward. The importance of the language of a nation can be ascertained by reflecting on this verse: “And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. Verily, therein are signs for those who know” (30:22).

Balance of Realities (80)

This verse has been referred 6 times.