
Surah: 033 - Ayah: 011

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Zilzalan shadada (To shake severely)

A Spiritual quake is on many levels, as mentioned in verse (33:11): "Then the believers were tried and they were shaken severely." That is, the spiritual quake, in which there is very great wisdom, was imposed upon them.

Thousand Wisdoms 411 (222)

This blessed and sacred quake occurs at a higher level of spirituality, the purpose of which is extreme sanctification, purification and healing, as well as apparently being a trial as the noble Qur’an says: “There the believers were tried and they were shaken with severe shaking” (33:11). Thus, there is no trial in religion and the world except to elevate someone. Thus this quake is extremely blessed.

Book of Healing (203)

This verse has been referred 6 times.