
Surah: 036 - Ayah: 040

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related refs 21:33, 2:164

This example of the circulation of water stands particularly for the circular journey of the soul, which is endless. The strange thing therein is the reason for which the whole becomes many parts. Such an example is that of the ocean which represents itself while adopting the forms of clouds, rain, and drops. On the other hand it is also surprising that when a drop mingles with a stream, it says [metaphorically, to itself] that it is a stream. When the stream flowing ahead mingles with a river, then the drop begins to claim, "I am the river"; and when the river flowing further mingles with the ocean, then the drop exclaims, "I am ocean and was before too". In other words, in this circumstance the water says: "I am not only ocean but all that which belongs to the parts of water, or to which water has access."
This permanent circulation of water is a clear example of the natural law that everything circulates in its limited circle. As the Qur'an says:
And everything circulates in an orbit (circle) (36:40).

Spiritual Secrets 5

Why do I feel that in the concept and subject of the circumambulation of the real Kabah, I have found a great treasure or a mine of precious stones on a sky-scraping mountain? There is an extremely great secret hidden in its background. I am absolutely sure that whoever loves the beauty and majesty of knowledge of the exalted Imam, may God's peace and salutation be upon him, will be extremely happy with this subject and this book. The point is that according to spiritual observation, the real Kabah is in the centre of existence, around which are innumerable circles for the existents to circumambulate according to their ranks. And everything rotates on its circle in the sense of circumambulation (36:40).

Sweet Smelling 71

Concept of Creation

Q. 93. If the Islamic concept of creation, as Hazrat Mawlana Sultan Muhammad Shah (a.s.) says, is: "a perpetual and constant event", this implies that the infinite succession of creation continues in the form of a circle. Would you kindly furnish a clear proof from the Holy Qur'an in this connection?

A. The Holy Qur'an, after mentioning the constant rising, and setting of the sun and the moon and the continuous rotation of day and night, alludes to this greatest secret of the law of nature: "And they all rotate in a circle" (36:40). It should be known that there is also a subject in the Holy Qur'an, which should be called the "Universal Law (qanun-i kull)”, for, in it, there are mentioned the universals (kulliyat) of the universe and existents. One general sign of the verses related to this subject is the word "kull (all)" mentioned in them. The above mentioned verse, therefore, is a universal (general rule) of the Universal Law that, according to it, everything, including soul, rotates in a circle. However, it is a different question why and how.

In addition to the Qur'anic verses, the cosmic signs in which the Lord of the world has commanded us to think, also reveal that the infinite journey of everything continues in a circle (2:164), such as, the constant coming and going of the day and night, the repeated passing of the ships on the river and the sea, the continuation of rain, the revival of the dead earth every year, the revival of the big and small animals from year to year, the constant rotation of the air and constant creation of clouds from the ocean and their continual merging with it, returning in the form of rivers.

What is Soul 70

In this connection it is important to understand whence Adam came into this world. He came from the world of command, spiritual world or paradise. If he came from paradise, from which one? He came from the final or the supreme paradise. In this descent was Adam alone or were there other people as well? With Adam, together with Eve there were many other people as well. If so, is it correct to say that in paradise, the lives of Adam, Eve and their companions had reached the point where it became necessary for them to return to this world [to renew their knowledge and actions]? Yes, this is absolutely true. If Allah’s sunnat (law) and habit and the law of nature are the same forever without any change, can we say that perfect souls continue to come to this world like Adam and his companions, from the spiritual world? Yes, this is perfectly correct.

In the wise Qur'an in verse (36:40), it is mentioned: “And everything rotates in an orbit”.

100 Q&A (7-8)

If the manifestation of the soul in this world is a Divine mercy, why should it not be given again and again as Divine mercy is infinite?

God has compared the concept of the existence and subsistence of all creatures to a circle by saying: “Everything moves on a circle” (36:40).

100 Q&A (45)

The speech of God, the Exalted (i.e. the Qur’an), which is based on wisdom, is the fountainhead of truth and justice, the treasure of knowledge and wisdom and the unbounded ocean of sempiternal mercy. This speech is such that even its shortest verse is like a voluminous book, which abounds with the secrets of sciences from end to end. For instance: “And everything revolves in an orbit” (36:40). Another example is: “And it is He Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Each of these revolves in an orbit” (21:33). No wise person will be able to deny the universal judgement that every whole with its parts revolves like an ever-moving pair of compasses. From the above mentioned two verses, it is evident that even the sun, which is stationary, is also in a boiling movement within its spherical boundary of magnitude.

Balance of Realities (23)

This verse has been referred 13 times.