
Surah: 045 - Ayah: 013

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The holy Qur’an says that all things in the heavens and the earth, without any exception, are subjugated to real men (45:13). This subjugation is both external and internal. The internal subjugation is that the living quintessence of the universe and the existents, namely the astral body (which is linked with the Universal Intellect and the Universal Soul), acts as the other “I” of man. Further, the representative souls of all things work in the personal world of the Perfect Man, the example of which is the Kingdom of Sulayman.

Book of Healing (110)

As all the necessary subjects are prominently mentioned in the wise Qur’an, similarly the subject of subjugation is also mentioned. As it is said: “And He has subjugated to you whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth; it is all from Him”. (45:13). To understand the correct purport of this subjugation is extremely difficult, rather impossible, except if it is viewed with the eye of the Perfect Man. For, it is only he who is the real standard of humanity. That is to say, unless we are annihilated in the murshid, then in the Prophet, then in God, there will be no observation and experience of the subjugation of the angels and souls of the heavens and the earth. If this is too high to understand, at least at the level of knowledge of certainty, it is necessary to know that according to the allusion of the holy Qur’an (41:31), the friendship and help of great angels is attainable and hence using the power of `Izra'il, the germs of disease can be destroyed or expelled.

Book of Healing (151)

Sakhkhara (He subjugated, he made obedient)

God has potentially made everything of the heaven and the earth obedient to mankind. This is mentioned in various Qur'anic verses. In this Divine teaching attention is drawn to both external and internal science. Those verses are mentioned under the heading of "wa sakhkhara lakum (And He has subjugated to you)” (45:13; 31:20).

Thousand Wisdoms 425 (231)

Read the blessed verse (45:13) in which the subjugation of the universe is mentioned in a wisdom-filled way. That is, God in His infinite mercy has subjugated the heavens and the earth to man externally and internally. Today man is struggling to reach the stars by the help of material science, which is in accordance with the will of God, because it is He Who has provided all these means. Similarly if through the help of spiritual science he subjugates the spiritual aspect of the universe, which is hidden within his self (personal world), then this will also be in accordance with that law of subjugation, which He has made possible and granted to man.

Book of Healing (184)

Scientists will come to know, if not today then in future that scientific advances are a prelude to the spiritual revolution and that all these discoveries take place as part of a great heavenly programme until the secrets of the spirit and spirituality begin to appear. According to Divine teachings, the greatest change or revolution in the world will occur then. All science is based on the "subjugated soul" mentioned in verse (45:13) : "And He has subjugated to you whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth, everything is from Him." By this is meant the subjugation of heavenly and earthly souls, which externally are in the form of scientific results and its fruits and internally in the form of a spiritual kingdom.

Fruits of Paradise (64)

It is a fact that everything of the universe has been made subservient to man (45:13) and so are these two guardians. This is in the sense that man either contaminates or purifies the mirror of his heart by his optional words and deeds and they always observe the condition of his heart. If there is the dust of evil in one’s heart, the personal devil causes insinuation or disturbing thoughts (waswasah). If the mirror of the heart is cleansed and pure, the personal angel starts to speak of hope, certitude, knowledge and guidance. Therefore, there is a dire need of giryah-u zari again and again, so that the devil may be disappointed and the angel may get an opportunity to help (ta'yid).

Book of Healing (284)

This verse has been referred 12 times.