
Surah: 047 - Ayah: 004

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Arrafa (God made them recognise paradise)

O my dear ones! Listen carefully and with a sense of responsibility that it is extremely necessary to study deeply the way the subject of "recognition" has been mentioned in the Qur'an. One extremely important key wisdom in this connection is mentioned in verses (47:4-6) in which there is an allusion to the fact that it is the inner (spiritual) martyrs who recognise paradise in this life.

Thousand Wisdoms 572 (306)

Arrafa (He made (them) recognise (it))

The inter-connected subject of spiritual martyrdom and recognition is in verses (47:4-6): "And those who are slain in the way of Allah (spiritually), He renders not their deeds vain. He will guide them and improve their state and admit them into paradise which He has made recognised to them."

Thousand Wisdoms 573 (307)

This verse has been referred 5 times.